MT 10,11 The Basic Unit of Life! Mon 11/19/12 TOPIC: MY GOAL: Get On Task I will… recall the cell organelles and their functions Review for a few minutes before you take the MiniSummative!
MiniSum #1 MT 10 Cell Theory & Types of Microscopes Clear desk of EVERYTHING except 1 piece of paper & a pen/pencil Read – Think – Understand – Answer - Double-Check Turn in Pick up Handout to be attached to ISN p.88 – go ahead & do it Then open text and read p.72
Notes isn p.89 PROkaryote Eukaryote Prefix Definition Nucleus DNA Organelles Cell Type Example(s) Sketch
isn p.8 PROkaryotes Prefix Nucleus DNA Organelles Cell Type Example Sketch PRO = NO! NO! YES, suspended in cytoplasm Single Bacteria
THE ONLY PROKARYOTIC CELLS IN THE UNNNIIVVEEERRRRSE… BACTERIA!!!! Most bacteria are EUBACTERIA ….are the ones people are most familiar with. Found everywhere! Decompose dead matter Ancient bacteria…. Live in extreme environments, as well as oceans, soil
isn p.89 eukaryotes Prefix Nucleus DNA Organelles Cell Type ExampleS Sketch EU = TRUE! YES! YES, inside nucleus surrounded by nuclear ENVELOPE YES; ribosomes, ER, mitochondria, Golgi Apparatus, chloroplasts, etc Single AND multi Protists, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
Eukaryotes Plant cell vs animal cell
Many ex. Of eukaryotic CELLS IN THE UNNNIIVVEEERRRRSE… Protists Fungi Plantae Animalia Most bacteria are EUBACTERIA ….are the ones people are most familiar with. Found everywhere! Decompose dead matter Ancient bacteria…. Live in extreme environments, as well as oceans, soil
Be the change you wish to see in the world Study this stuff over break! HOMEWORK Be the change you wish to see in the world 9 9