Revelation 19 part 3 – Jesus rides in judgement Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Revelation 19 part 3 – Jesus rides in judgement Please visit our website:
Jesus rides in judgement Reminder of who it is who has come to earth He is the Logos of God – John 1 v 14 He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords: 1 Tim 6 v 15, Revelation 1 v 5, revelation 17 v 14, Deuteronomy 10 v 17 & Psalm 136 v 3 His nature In righteousness He judges and makes war Ch 15 v 3 He is just, righteous and true Ch 19 v 2 He is true and righteous Psalms 7 v 8, 9 v 8, 34 v 24, 50 v 6, 67 v 4, 72 v 2 and: Psalm 96 in particular refers to Him being worshipped for Hid righteous judgement.
Jesus rides in judgement His omniscience – awareness of all things Heb 4 v 13 – all things are naked and open before Him Rev 1 v 14 & 2 v 13 & 23 – eyes like a flame of fire – piercing and all seeing. Jer 17 v 9 & 10 He knows the human heart and renders just judgement His Authority V 12 diadem crowns – many of them Here He is not informal and friendly: He is angry He is the head of the body, the Church – how do we show our submission and subjection to our King?
Jesus rides in judgement Authority continued He commands armies in heaven The armies (bride) was granted to wear white linen (the righteousnesses of the Saints) Rev 7 v 14 – washed white in the blood of the lamb – so saved people (the church) And we are already in heaven with Him 1 Thess 4 v 17 describes His coming for us – His church Dan 12 v 1 and following – the Old Testament Saints are raised at the end, described in Matt 25 v 31 and following, so these cannot be OT saints.
Jesus rides in judgement Anger Vesture dipped in blood Isaiah 63 describes this time in more detail Mount of Olives – a victory ascent as with many battles over the years Mediterranean to Dead Sea all downhill for 200 miles, hence the bloodbath He battles alone!! “Trodden in my anger” Such finality in judgement Heb 4 v 12 ‘two edged sword’ is ‘machaira’ – short for close combat Here it is ‘romphaia’ – the large sword for striking the final blow of execution
Jesus rides in judgement Rod of iron As in psalm 2 v 9 broken like smashed pottery Also in Revelation 2 v 27 and 12 v 5 Rev 14 v 19 – cast into the winepress of God’s wrath So! He comes in conquest. The outcome is described graphically in the last 5 verses Total destruction V 17 – the birds come and eat Angel in the sun calling them – a planned outcome Loud voice and commanding all to obedience – even the birds Ezekiel 39 v 17 a similar event – many think the same event – but cannot be Matt 24 v 27 hints that there are two bird feedings
Jesus rides in judgement It is the Beast that makes war, not the northern nations They set out to make war with the lamb not Israel Chapter 16 v 14 & 17 v 14 Ch 19 v 20, 17 v 14 fulfilled as the Beast and false prophet are taken – seemingly publicly – and cast alive into the lake of fire Ch 20 v 10 – these two are already in the lake of fire: punished for deception Possibly a dramatic example to all unbelievers If so, utterly terrifying