Convert in opportunity for Sailors in year groups 2013-2017. *CONVERT-IN OPPORTUNITY- FOR E-3, E-4 & E-5 Sailors in YG’s 2013 - 2017* - If not within the C-Way window, contact the ND ECM for guidance. - All PACT Sailors are eligible for conversion to ND. Must meet the program and rating criteria set forth in MPM 1220-100. If denied in C-Way read notes for explanation and contact ECM for questions. ***Not accepting ASVAB, AGE or Time in Service Waivers*** Navy Divers:________________________________ ***SRB: REFER TO NAVADMIN 311/17 for current award levels *** -MDV Candidates: ECM is considering waivers of 4th tour requirement to attend the MDV course of instruction on a case by case basis. May consider waiving up to 12 months off of 2 year requirement as an E7. -MDV Test is good for 18 months – take it early! Send packages to the ECM and detailer. Earn that fat-pin and become an MDV! -Considering HYT waivers for E8’s holding NEC 5341 IAW MILPESMAN 1160-120 section 4. Current employable ND manning is 96.3% (force structure manning to BA)