PAG Network Where does OOP fit? Benedict Wauters Heraklion, May 17-18, 2017
Optimisation of a part usually means sub-optimisation of the whole. Deming’s depiction Appreciation for a system Each element of a process is not important in itself. They are important only in relation to a goal. Optimisation of a part usually means sub-optimisation of the whole.
Deming? E. Deming T.Ohno William Edwards Deming was an American statistician, professor, author, lecturer and consultant. He is perhaps best known for the "Plan-Do-Check-Act" cycle popularly named after him. In Japan, from 1950 onwards, he taught top management how to improve design (and thus service), product quality, testing, and sales (the last through global markets) through various methods, including the application of statistical methods. Deming made a significant contribution to Japan's later reputation for innovative high-quality products and its economic power. He is regarded as having had more impact upon Japanese manufacturing and business than any other individual not of Japanese heritage. Despite being honored in Japan in 1951 with the establishment of the Deming Prize, he was only just beginning to win widespread recognition in the U.S. at the time of his death in 1993. President Ronald Reagan awarded him the National Medal of Technology in 1987. The following year, the National Academy of Sciences gave Deming the Distinguished Career in Science award. T. Ohno is considered to be the father of the Toyota Production System, which later became Lean Manufacturing in the U.S.
(Lean) systems thinking What is the purpose (in user terms)? 1 Thinking 6 C O N T A System Conditions 5 Flow : Value work + Waste (both on core, support or regulating) 4 Capability of response: what is the system achieving predictably? 3 Demand : Type + Frequency; value versus failure demand What matters? 2 Seddon, Vanguard
(Lean) systems thinking 1 What is the purpose (in user terms)? Thinking 6 C O N T A System conditions = structure (incl. roles and authority) targets process design procedures (incl. for managing absenteeism, appraisal of staff, inspection…) incentives IT… System Conditions 5 Flow : Value work + Waste (both on core, support or regulating) 4 Everything people assume CANNOT be changed! Capability of response: what is the system achieving predictably? 3 Demand : Type + Frequency What matters? 2 Seddon, Vanguard
(Lean) systems thinking When system conditions impede changing flow to adapt to demand 1 What is the purpose (in user terms)? Thinking 6 C O N T A T System Conditions 5 Flow : Value work + Waste (both on core, support or regulating) 4 Capability of response: what is the system achieving predictably? 3 Demand : Type + Frequency What matters? 2 Seddon, Vanguard
(Lean) systems thinking 1 What is the purpose (in user terms)? Thinking 6 e.g. “only paper documents give legal assurance” C O N T A T System Conditions 5 Flow : Value work + Waste (both on core, support or regulating) 4 Capability of response: what is the system achieving predictably? 3 Demand : Type + Frequency What matters? 2 Seddon, Vanguard
“All real change is grounded in new ways of thinking and perceiving” * Ever heard of “learning organisations”? Peter Michael Senge is an American scientist and director of the Center for Organizational Learning at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is known as author of the book The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization from 1990 (new edition 2006). He is a senior lecturer at the System Dynamics Group at MIT Sloan School of Management, and co-faculty at the New England Complex Systems Institute. In 1997, Harvard Business Review identified The Fifth Discipline as one of the seminal management books of the previous 75 years. For this work, he was named by Journal of Business Strategy as the 'Strategist of the Century'. They further said that he was one of a very few people who 'had the greatest impact on the way we conduct business today'. “All real change is grounded in new ways of thinking and perceiving” * * P. Senge, The necessary revolution, p.10
Mind your place in the system E.g. Non-citizen facing Ministry influence via regulations 1 What is the purpose (in customer terms)? Thinking 6 C U S T O M E R System Conditions 5 Flow : Value work + Waste (both on core, support or regulating) 4 Capability of response: what is the system achieving predictably? 3 Demand : Type + Frequency; Value vs failure demand What matters? 2 Service providing organisation Based on Seddon, Vanguard
Mind your place in the system WHERE DOES OOP FIT? Mind your place in the system E.g. Non-citizen facing Ministry influence via regulations 1 What is the purpose (in customer terms)? Thinking 6 C U S T O M E R System Conditions 5 Flow : Value work + Waste (both on core, support or regulating) 4 Capability of response: what is the system achieving predictably? 3 Demand : Type + Frequency; Value vs failure demand What matters? 2 Service providing organisation Based on Seddon, Vanguard
Mind your place in the system WHERE DOES OOP FIT? Mind your place in the system E.g. Non-citizen facing Ministry influence via regulations 1 What is the purpose (in customer terms)? Thinking 6 C U S T O M E R System Conditions 5 Flow : Value work + Waste (both on core, support or regulating) 4 Capability of response: what is the system achieving predictably? 3 Demand : Type + Frequency; Value vs failure demand What matters? 2 Service providing organisation Based on Seddon, Vanguard
Mind your place in the system CAUTION: IF OOP becomes a hard rule, but frontline organisations do not change their thinking, they may redesign in ways that are not beneficial for the citizen but still comply with OOP. E.g. Non-citizen facing Ministry influence via regulations 1 What is the purpose (in customer terms)? Thinking 6 C U S T O M E R System Conditions 5 However, if OOP is a “right” for frontline organisations, they can then request action from support / regulating entities to get rid of waste Flow : Value work + Waste (both on core, support or regulating) 4 Capability of response: what is the system achieving predictably? 3 Demand : Type + Frequency; Value vs failure demand What matters? 2 Service providing organisation Based on Seddon, Vanguard
A continuum of services… Education Human services (welfare, mental health, child protection, elderly care, chronic care…) Criminal justice Social housing … Drivers licence License plates Birth certificate ID card Child benefits … Emergency services (police, hospital,…) Housing repairs Acute health care … Does this grouping make sense to you? Why?
A continuum of services… Education Human services (welfare, mental health, child protection, elderly care, chronic care…) Criminal justice Social housing … Drivers licence License plates Birth certificate ID card Child benefits … Emergency services (police, hospital,…) Housing repairs Acute health care … Nature of demand (a need that hits the system) Ambiguous: what people ask explicitly (if they ask) may not say much about their need Clear: what people ask is explictly is what people need Simple = response contextually independent: people respond similarly across people’s characteristics / environment Complex =response heavily contextually dependent: people’s characteristics / environment strongly influence response to and outcome of intervention Outcome pretty certain (past helps to predict) Outcome more uncertain (past does not help so much to predict)
A continuum of services… Education Human services (welfare, mental health, child protection, elderly care, chronic care…) Criminal justice Social housing … T R A N S C Drivers licence License plates Birth certificate ID card Child benefits … Emergency services (police, hospital,…) Housing repairs Acute health care … What: Give what they want as quickly as possible (categorise-act) What: Interpret/analyse what comes into the system and provide correct response at first point of contact (sense-act) What: explore/discover the many ambiguous demands coming from the same user(s), over longer term engagement (act-sense) How: Focus on understanding type and frequency of value demand, train against high frequency demand and put expertise on frontline; pull in expertise for low frequency demand How: focus on understanding patterns of demand (e.g. using persona’s) and construct response flexibly (sequence/combination) with known elements How: Focus on how to process demand right first time and frequency of errors caused by the system Main issues: correct interpretation of somewhat ambiguous / complex demand and volatity Main issues: correct interpretation of highly ambiguous / complex demand, uncertainty and volatity Main issue: volitality of volume of demand More amenable to automation Less amenable to automation
PERSONAS IN CASE WORK PLAYING FIELD Create 6 such profiles. Use every extreme at least once. PLAYING FIELD
A continuum of services… Education Human services (welfare, mental health, child protection, elderly care, chronic care…) Criminal justice Social housing … T R A N S C Drivers licence License plates Birth certificate ID card Child benefits … Emergency services (police, hospital,…) Housing repairs Acute health care … What: Give what they want as quickly as possible (categorise-act) What: Interpret/analyse what comes into the system and provide correct response at first point of contact (sense-act) What: explore/discover the many ambiguous demands coming from the same user(s), over longer term engagement (act-sense) VUCA How: Focus on understanding type and frequency of value demand, train against high frequency demand and put expertise on frontline; pull in expertise for low frequency demand How: focus on understanding patterns of demand (e.g. using persona’s) and construct response flexibly (sequence/combination) with known elements How: Focus on how to process demand right first time and frequency of errors caused by the system Main issues: correct interpretation of somewhat ambiguous / complex demand and volatity Main issues: correct interpretation of highly ambiguous / complex demand, uncertainty and volatity Main issue: volitality of volume of demand More amenable to automation Less amenable to automation
Change management and VUCA 1 What is the purpose (in customer terms)? Thinking 6 C U S T O M E R System Conditions 5 Flow : Value work + Waste (both on core, support or regulating) 4 The more VUCA the less change is one off and linear (no 1, 2, 3…) Capability of response: what is the system achieving predictably? 3 Demand : Type + Frequency; Value vs failure demand What matters? 2 Based on Seddon, Vanguard
Agenda Links of the Once Only Principle to the big picture of challenges in Public Administration (Benedict Wauters) Discussion Updates from the European Commission (Heli Kask) Greek position paper on future work of the Network - Task Team for OOP Next events (Vladimír Kváča) AOB
Updates from the European Commission Heli Kask
Greek position paper
Next events Vladimír Kváča
Previous Events January / February: Finland study visit Was great, see detailed report
Next events Very soon – questionaire / consultation with PAG members on future steps in the network (incl. Interest in Greek proposal on Task team for OOP). June 18-19: Transnationality Annual Seminar (Brussels) Event of all TN Networks Next PAG meeting (October, exact date tbc, Brussels) Most likely partly as joint meeting with Interreg capitalisation network for Better Governance and Institutional development across borders (TO11) With support of EC (SRSS) Focused on Leadership, Motivation, Human Resources
Considered events 3 days training on paradigm shifts in Public Administration (Benedict Waters, Vladimír Kváča) Will be discussed with the members on potential interest SEPTEMBER!
PAG – related publications
PAG – related publications Coming soon, similar publications on Social Innovation Co-production Also by september: “Public policy-making and strategic management: friend or foe?” Extensive coverage of the policy process, public value and strategic management with 5 cases, incl. two already picked up elsewhere (OECD, NS)…
PAG – related publications
PAG – related publications
Follow up All presentations will be at the webside Minutes will be circulated, first private, please let us know if something should be cut before publishing.