FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Nina Roa Lead Specialist, CTE Instructional Branch Division of Career and College Readiness Maryland State Department of Education Phone: 410-767-1904 Email: nina.roa@maryland.gov www.marylandpublicschools.org
FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Release Date Monday, January 16, 2018 Via email MSDE Blackboard site Due Date Friday, March 23, 2018 Via Docushare All applications and signatures must be in by COB Friday, March 23, 2018 All appendices are available for download thru the MSDE Blackboard Due date is firm. Extensions will not be given to an individual school system
Eligibility: FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants FY 2019 Funding Streams: Perkins Reserve Funds ~ $630,000 Perkins Funds Eligibility: Located in a rural area; High percentages of career and technology education completers; or High numbers of career and technology education students The $630,000 is an estimate and could go up based on amounts of returned FY 2018 funds. Eligible systems and colleges are listed in Appendix D. All school systems and colleges are eligible for FY 2019.
Priority Areas: FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Priority 1: CTE Programs of Study at the secondary level: Academy of Health Professions, Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, Database Academy – ORACLE, Networking Academy – CISCO, PLTW Computer Science (new and enhancement sites) Priority 2: CTE Programs of Study at the Community College Level Priority 3: Preparing high school and college students for further education and careers Priority 4: Providing comprehensive, on-going professional development for CTE instructors, faculty, administrators, and counselors
Priority 1: FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Secondary CTE Programs of Study Academy of Health Professions Support implementation of AHP core and specialty courses $5,000 maximum request (including all indirect/admin costs) List of allowable MOI for core and specialty courses in Appendix I Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Support for new and existing sites $8,000 maximum request (including all indirect/admin costs) Sample budget on page 12 of RFP
Priority 1: FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Secondary CTE Programs of Study Database Academy – ORACLE Support for new and existing sites $7,500 (including all indirect/admin costs) Networking Academy – CISCO
Priority 1: FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Secondary CTE Programs of Study Project Lead The Way Computer Science Support for new and enhancement sites (separate applications) $30,000 in year 1, $45,000 over 2 years (including all indirect/admin costs) See allotted amount for schools that are eligible for PLTW Computer Science enhancement grants Use the PLTW Investment Tool to develop budget
Priority 1: FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Secondary CTE Programs of Study Important to Note for all Priority 1 Grants: Professional development (PD) must be included in the application Do not submit separate PD grant All budgets include indirect and/or administrative costs Use the rubric as a guide in the development of the grant applications Note limits on stipends, mileage and per diem rates No funds for substitute teachers No funds to support consultants for this priority Consultants for the programs in Priority 1 are the MSDE CTE Cluster Teams…..
Priority 2: FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants CTE at the Community Colleges To develop, improve and/or expand a CTE Program of Study If requesting funds to continue an activity previously funded with federal funds, then include data on how the activity has been successful Up to $20,000 (including all indirect/admin costs) One year of funding Articulate to a secondary CTE program All budgets include administrative costs Use the rubric as a guide in the development of the grant applications Note limits on stipends, mileage and per diem rates
Priority 3: FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Preparing High School and Community College Students for Further Education and Careers Up to $8,000/application (including all indirect/admin costs) One year of funding Funds may be used to support: Establishment/Expansion of Technical Assessment Centers - Funds to support training of the assessment coordinator, cost of licensing and lab fees - 50% match for technology expenditures Career guidance and academic counseling services to CTE students (both secondary and postsecondary) that improve graduation rates, completion rates and provide information on further education and career options
Priority 3: FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Preparing High School and Community College Students for Further Education and Careers Provide appropriate academic interventions to CTE students who take the PSAT, Accuplacer assessments - Pre and post test interventions Support 3rd party accreditation or certification (re-acred. and re-cert) for specific CTE programs - ACF, NATEF, NCCER, NIMS, Print Ed Develop and implement a CTE marketing campaign Budgets includes all indirect/administrative costs Use the rubric as a guide in the development of the grant applications Note limits on stipends, mileage and per diem rates If you are asking for funds to continue, improve upon or expand a previously funded activity, please provide evidence of past success. This is in question A2 on page 28 in Priority 3 of the FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund RFP. Ex include numbers of students served, increase in scores
Priority 4: FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Professional Development Must support a specific CTE program of study at either the secondary or postsecondary level Up to $10,000/application and may include multiple PD opportunities (including all indirect/admin costs) One year of funding Use the rubric as a guide in the development of the grant applications Budgets includes all indirect/administrative costs Note limits on stipends, mileage and per diem rates Cannot write a PD grant for AHP, HSEP, ORACLE, CISCO or PLTW CS if you are also writing a Priority 1 grant for those programs (at the same school)
FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Grant Application Submission and Review Process All applications and signature forms must be received by COB on Friday, March 23, 2018. Via Docushare Signatures in BLUE ink (Assurances) Email Jeanne-Marie Holly, your CTE Coordinator and me when grant applications have been uploaded to DocuShare All applications undergo a technical review to check for required forms and signatures Applications not meeting the technical review will not be considered for funding Technical review means: in by the deadline with all required signatures in BLUE INK – basically the Assurances page is the only items that must be signed upon the initial submission. Email me when you upload to DocuShare. I do not troll DocuShare on a daily basis looking for new items.
FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Grant Application Submission and Review Process Do not submit more than 6 grant applications Prioritize the 6 grant applications (use appendix E) MSDE staff, including cluster team members along with external partners, will review and score grant applications Unofficial emails will be sent ASAP (late April) indicating funding levels for each grant request to assist with Perkins planning purposes Letters will be sent to the application coordinator indicating funding level and may request revised information and a wrap-around budget
FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Required Submissions Signature Forms include: Proposal Cover Pages One for each grant request Make sure dollar amount is listed on the cover page and matches the budget form associated with the grant request Initial Submission Does Not Have to be Signed Assurances Page One Assurance Page for all grant submissions Make sure it is signed by the Superintendent/College President in BLUE ink Budget Forms Submit a budget form for each grant request No need to submit a wrap-around budget on initial submission
FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Spending Authority FY 2019 funds will not be released to Local School Systems (LSS) or Community Colleges (CC) until: The LSS or CC has an approved FY 2019 local plan; and All outstanding FY 2018 documents have been submitted to MSDE Mid-year reports from the previous fiscal year Final program reports prior to the previous fiscal year LAUPL Attestation forms Spending authority is effective on the first day of the month that all required elements are received in approvable form, but not before July 1, 2018
FY 2019 CTE Reserve Fund Grants Spending Authority Reminder for FY 2019 (this was new in FY 2018 CTE Reserve Fund Grants): 30% of FY 2019 CTE Reserve Funds will be awarded on July 1, 2018 (or when all required elements have been received in approvable form) the remaining 70% will be awarded on October 1, 2018
Questions? Contact Information Nina Roa nina.roa@maryland.gov 410-767-1904