Proportion of gases in todays atmosphere
Story of the atmosphere
Carbon Sinks Carbon has been locked up in the Earth: Limestone / chalk (calcium carbonate) Oceans Rainforests Fossil Fuels Living things
The natural greenhouse effect and the enhanced greenhouse effect Short wave radiation (light) from the sun. Longwave radiation (infrared – heat) is trapped by greenhouse gases. The more greenhouse gas there is, there more heat is trapped.
Evidence for global warming The Earth’s temperature has always followed a natural cycle of heating and cooling Since the industrial revolution, the overall temperature has continued to rise – why?
Evidence for global warming - CO2 levels and temperature There is a direct correlation between CO2 and temperature – the more CO2 the higher the temperature.
Potential effects of climate change Rising sea levels – as a results of melting ice caps and expansion of the warmer oceans. For example, the Arctic ice cap appears to be shrinking at a rate equivalent to the Netherlands melting away each year. The may cause the flooding of low lying land and increased coastal erosion. Some islands could even disappear Increasingly common extreme weather events – such as more frequent and severe storms
Potential effects of climate change Changes in temperature and the amount, timing and distribution of rainfall – this could have impacts on the food producing capacity of different regions. People have speculated that dry areas will get even drier and that monsoons in Asia will get heavier. Changes to the distribution of wildlife species – Rapid changes in the global climate will put ecosystems around the world under great stress. Some species of wildlife may even become extinct.
Carbon footprint definition The total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted over the full life cycle of a product, service or event
Ways to reduce carbon footprint Carbon capture and storage – capture the carbon dioxide from power stations before it is released into the atmosphere Less demand for beef – would reduce methane production from cows Taxing fossil fuelled cars Support research into alternative forms of energy
Problems with reducing carbon footprint Increase in price for manufacturing and transport industries.
Sulfur dioxide – acid rain
Carbon dioxide – global warming
Incomplete combustion – carbon monoxide and particulates (global dimming)
Oxides of nitrogen – acid rain