Vocabulary Review 1st marking period 2011-2012
acquiesce: (verb) definition: to assent tacitly to submit or comply silently or without protest
contentious: adj. creating disagreement argumentative; quarrelsome definition: creating disagreement argumentative; quarrelsome subject to litigation
crestfallen: adj. dejected; dispirited; discouraged having a drooping definition: dejected; dispirited; discouraged having a drooping crest or head
dexterity: noun skillful or adroit in the use of the hands or body definition: skillful or adroit in the use of the hands or body having mental adroitness or skill; clever done with skill or adroitness
eradicate:(verb) to remove or destroy utterly to erase by rubbing definition: to remove or destroy utterly to erase by rubbing do away with; exterminate
exacerbate: (verb) to increase the severity, definition: to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.) to aggravate, irritate, or exasperate
obfuscate: verb to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy definition: to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy to make obscure or unclear to darken
pernicious: adj. causing great harm, injury destruction, or death definition: causing great harm, injury destruction, or death fatal or likely to cause death wicked
sagacious: adjective having acute mental discernment definition: having acute mental discernment keen practical sense wise or shrewd