Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Blue Sky Nano Fuel Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Mega Super Stores Company founded by Christopher Williams Ecommerce platform serving municipalities (Amazon to agencies) Disabled Veteran-owned business, DVBE, SB, CVE, SDVOSB Product categories in Heating, Cooling, Refrigeration New category in Transportation Mega Super Stores
Blue Sky Nano Fuel Green Fuel Technology (GFT) developed by Jim Lynch Manufacturer of Green Fuel Tabs™ 3rd generation organic fuel catalyst technology Manufactured in the USA Registered with Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Number 237720001 Product applications include Automotive Trucking Shipping Industrial Blue Sky Nano Fuel
Benefits 10-20% decreased fuel consumption 40-90% decreased emissions 3-5% additional horsepower Extends regeneration (“regen”) intervals up to 800% through dramatic, positive effect on Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) Removes residual carbon deposits and prevents formation of new deposits, leading to longer engine life Benefits
Entire diesel community experiencing continuing problems with DPF systems since EPA introduction While extremely effective at reducing harmful emissions, DPFs create new problems: Poor engine performance Decreased fuel mileage Costly repairs and cleanings Significantly increased downtime DPF Problem
Due to the nature of GFT, less diesel particulates (soot) leave the combustion chamber and never attach to the DPF This effect on DPFs is noticeable upon the initial treatment; gives operators instant positive feedback that the product is working DPF Solution
Technology based on effects of organo- metallic catalytic compounds Active ingredients include multi-functional combustion catalysts that include fuel surface modifiers and deposit surface modifiers Fundamentally changes fuel’s ability to combust at molecular level Technology
GFT treated fuels bonds at molecular level within minutes and decreases activation energy rate to allow combustion to occur at significantly lower temperatures Results in: Improves combustion efficiency Decreases carbon deposits through bonding and removal at molecular level Decreases exhaust emissions Technology
Hornblower Cruise Boats VLCC Testing (Very Large Crude Carrier) Ryder Truck Performance R&D
Performance R&D Hornblower Cruises 18% improvement in fuel consumption 86% reduced emissions vs. similar ships in fleet not using GFT Performance R&D
Performance R&D VLCC Testing (Very Large Crude Carrier) Two week voyage Resulted in 19.6% improved performance Resulted in 22% less soot Performance R&D
Performance R&D Ryder Truck 30 day test Reduction of fuel consumption of 15.9% Resulted in 59.8% less opacity (i.e., emissions) Performance R&D
DPF Case Studies City of Tempe City of San Diego EDCO Waste Improved regen event intervals from average of 25.67 hours to 105.17 hours Reduced fuel consumption by 11.6% City of San Diego Five refuse trucks, 3 week test 210% improvement in DPF regeneration intervals EDCO Waste 3 trucks, with “worst offender” requiring forced regen daily shift 21 days into testing, no need to conduct a forced regen Aggramonte & Sons Trucking DPF regen improved from 1-3 days to 24 days with only one treatment Waste Management Current test with 3 large front loaders, i.e., “yellow iron” DPF Case Studies
Reduce your Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration events (DPF Regens) up to 800% Increase performance and horsepower 3 to 5% Reduce fuel consumption up to 20% Blue Sky Nano Fuel
Contact Q & A Bruce Braithwaite 201.838.2702 Dave Buehner 800.568.5450 Q & A