Datblygu System AHO Ddiwygiedig Building a Reformed PCET System
Croeso Welcome Heddiw, rydyn ni’n cychwyn ar gyfnod newydd o addysg a hyfforddiant ôl-orfodol yng Nghymru. Bydd pawb ar eu hennill – yn ddysgwyr, gweithwyr addysg proffesiynol ac, yn allweddol, cyflogwyr a busnesau Cymru Mae gennym weledigaeth uchelgeisiol ar gyfer AHO yng Nghymru ac yn llawn cyffro am y dyfodol. Ond allwn ni ddim cyrraedd yno heb eich cymorth chi. Today we approach a new era for post compulsory education and training in Wales. It’s one that will benefit everybody – learners, education professionals and, vitally, employers and Welsh businesses. We have an ambitious vision for PCET in Wales and are excited about the future. But we can’t get there without your help.
Pynciau trafod heddiw What we’ll cover today Cyflwyniad i AHO Yr angen am newid Ein gweledigaeth Amlinelliad o’n diwygiadau arfaethedig Eich cyfraniad chi An introduction to PCET The need for change Our vision Outline of proposed reforms Your part to play
Cyfwyniad i AHO An Introduction to PCET
AHO yng Nghymru PCET in Wales Mae addysg a hyfforddiant ôl-orfodol (AHO) yn cynnwys pob math o ddysgu yn dilyn addysg ffurfiol yn yr ysgol – ar ôl 16 oed Mae’n cwmpasu Addysg Bellach, Addysg Uwch boed yn y chweched dosbarth, coleg, prifysgol neu unrhyw sefydliad arall Mae hefyd yn cynnwys rhaglenni hyfforddiant ffurfiol a dysgu seiliedig ar waith, gan gynnwys prentisiaethau Post compulsory education and training (PCET) covers all forms of learning once formal schooling is complete – past the age of 16 It encompasses Further Education (FE), Higher Education (HE) whether at sixth form, college, university or any other institution It also includes formal training programmes and work-based learning, including apprenticeships
AHO yng Nghymru PCET in Wales Hyd yma, does dim un corff sengl yn gyfrifol am AHO yng Nghymru. Yn hytrach, cafodd darpariaethau AHO eu datblygu dros amser gan arwain at wahaniaethau ac anghysonderau rhwng rhanbarthau a sefydliadau Er bod gennym sawl enghraifft o arferion gorau, gall olygu byd o wahaniaeth rhwng profiad dysgwyr a phrofiad cyflogwyr. Ychydig iawn o gysondeb neu strategaeth gyffredinol sydd drwyddi draw. Until now, there has not been one-single body responsible for PCET in Wales. Instead, PCET provisions have developed over time leading to differences and discrepancies between different regions and institutions While we have many examples of best practice, it has meant that one learner’s or employer’s experience may differ substantially from another. There is little consistency or overall strategy across the board
Yr Angen am Newid The Need for Change
Y sail dros newid Basis for change Yn sgil adolygiad o’r system a gyhoeddwyd yn Adroddiad Hazelkorn yn 2016, nodwyd gwendidau a phroblemau o fewn y maes AHO yng Nghymru – fel ailadrodd, cymhlethdod diangen a diffyg cydlyniant ledled y sector AHO. Gwnaeth ddau brif argymhelliad: Dylai’r Llywodraeth ddatblygu gweledigaeth gyffredinol ar gyfer AHO Dylid creu corff hyd braich newydd fel y prif gorff rheoleiddio sy’n gyfrifol am oruchwylio’r holl system AHO A system review published in the Hazelkorn Report in 2016 found weaknesses and issues within PCET in Wales such as duplication, unnecessary complexity and a lack of joining up across the PCET sector It made two primary recommendations: The Government should develop an overarching vision for PCET A new arms-length body should be created as the sole regulatory body that has the oversight authority for the whole PCET system
Lle rydyn ni arni heddiw? Where do we stand today? Mewn ymateb i Adroddiad Hazelkorn, cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth Cymru Bapur Gwyn yn cyflwyno cynigion i greu Comisiwn Addysg Drydyddol ac Ymchwil newydd i Gymru. Wedi ymgynghoriad eang yn ystod hydref 2017, cawsom gryn gefnogaeth i ddiwygio a chytundeb ein bod ni’n gweithio tuag at yr ateb cywir. In response to the Hazelkorn Report, the Welsh Government published a White Paper setting out proposals to create a new Tertiary Education and Research Commission for Wales After wide consultation in Autumn 2017, we’ve received strong support for reform and agreement that we’re working towards the right solution
Ein Gweledigaeth Our Vision
Ein gweledigaeth Our vision Hoffai Llywodraeth Cymru greu system AHO sy’n gweithio i bawb; un sy’n: cyd-fynd ag anghenion busnesau llenwi bylchau sgiliau paratoi doniau’r dyfodol ar gyfer y wybodaeth a’r arferion sydd eu hangen i serennu yn eu gyrfaoedd ac sy’n addas ar gyfer y gweithle ysgogi ffyniant yng Nghymru Welsh Government wants to create a PCET system which works for everyone; one which: is aligned to the needs of businesses plugs skills gaps prepares future talent in the knowledge and practices necessary to excel in their career and are right for the workplace drives prosperity in Wales
Amlinelliad o’r Diwygiadau Arfaethedig Outline of Proposed Reforms
Corff newydd A new body Creu Comisiwn Addysg Drydyddol ac Ymchwil i Gymru a fydd yn brif gyllidwr a rheoleiddiwr AHO yng Nghymru Bydd y Comisiwn yn disodli Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru Bydd yn gorff a noddir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn gweithredu hyd braich ar y llywodraeth ond yn rhan o fframwaith cynllunio a chyllido strategol The creation of a new Tertiary Education and Research Commission for Wales which will be the sole funder and regulator for PCET in Wales The Commission will replace the current Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) It will be a Welsh Government sponsored body, operating at arms-length from government but within a strategic planning and funding framework
Corff newydd A new body Cyllido a sicrhau ansawdd AHO a meithrin cysylltiadau agosach â chyflogwyr – dyna fydd ei gylch gwaith Bydd y Comisiwn yn gyfrifol am addysg bellach ac uwch, prentisiaethau, dysgu seiliedig ar waith, addysg oedolion a’r chweched dosbarth Hefyd, bydd yn gyfrifol am ymchwil ac arloesi wedi’u hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru It will have remit for the funding and quality of PCET and for fostering closer ties with employers The Commission will be responsible for further and higher education, apprenticeships ,work-based learning, adult learning and sixth forms It will also be responsible for Welsh Government-funded research and innovation
Corff newydd A new body Bydd y Comisiwn yn cynnwys hyd at 15 aelod o blith byd diwydiant a chyflogwyr, addysg ôl-16, dysgu seiliedig ar waith, addysg oedolion, y trydydd sector a’r gymuned ymchwil ac arloesi. Bydd o leiaf ddau aelod yn cynrychioli dysgwyr Ar ôl ei sefydlu ac yn dilyn ymgynghoriad, bydd yn ofynnol i’r Comisiwn baratoi cynllun strategol i fynd i’r afael ag anghenion dysgwyr a busnesau i’w gymeradwyo gan Weinidogion Cymru The Commission will be comprised of up to 15 members drawn from industry and employers, post-16 education, work-based learning, adult learning, the third sector and the research and innovation community. At least two will be learner representatives After its establishment and following consultation, the Commission will be required to produce a strategic plan to address the needs of learners and business for the approval of Welsh Ministers
Corff newydd A new body Byddai’n gyfrifol am ddyrannu’r holl gyllid wedyn, a gwaith monitro a gwella dilynol It would then be responsible for allocating the totality of funding and for subsequent monitoring and enhancement
Prentisiaethau Apprenticeships Hoffem fuddsoddi mewn hyfforddiant a fydd yn darparu buddiannau economaidd a chymdeithasol; buddsoddi mewn sectorau twf a galwedigaethau i fynd i’r afael â phrinder a bylchau sgiliau sy’n atal twf a chynhyrchiant Prentisiaethau yw ein prif raglen dan arweiniad cyflogwyr lle mae’r cwricwlwm yn seiliedig ar anghenion cyflogwyr Bydd prentisiaethau’n newid fel eu bod nhw’n fwy ymatebol i anghenion economi a chyflogwyr Cymru We want to invest in training which will provide economic and social returns; investing in growth sectors and occupations to address skill shortages and gaps that hold back productivity and growth Apprenticeships are our key employer-led programme where curriculum is built around employer needs Apprenticeships in Wales will change to make them more responsive to the needs of the Welsh economy and employers
Prentisiaethau - newidiadau Apprenticeships - changes Bydd Manyleb Safonau Prentisiaethau Cymru (SASW) yn cael eu disodli gan Fanyleb Prentisiaethau Cymru newydd yn cynnwys: Lefelau a mathau o gymhwyster Gofynion hyfforddiant mewn swydd a thu allan i’r swydd Llwybrau Blaenoriaeth Gofynion i’w bodloni cyn cyflwyno tystysgrif Y sectorau economaidd y dylid cyflwyno Llwybrau Prentisiaethau iddynt The Specification of Apprenticeship Standards for Wales (SASW) will be replaced by a new Welsh Apprenticeship Specification including: Levels and types of qualification Requirement for on and off-the-job training Priority Pathways Requirements to be met before a certificate is issued Economic sectors to which Pathways should be issued
Prentisiaethau - newidiadau Apprenticeships - changes Llwybrau yn lle Fframweithiau Prentisiaethau: Ar lefel gyfatebol i’r cymhwyster ac sy’n cydymffurfio â’r gofynion craidd Gellir cynnwys cymwysterau neu safonau diwydiant eraill lle bo’n berthnasol Gall cyflogwyr gyflwyno cynigion ar gyfer y Llwybrau o hyd Dylai bod cyswllt rhwng pob un â darpariaethau ôl-16 eraill fel y gall dysgwyr drosglwyddo cymwysterau i raglen brentisiaeth Apprenticeship Frameworks replaced by Pathways: At a level corresponding to the qualification and complying with core requirements Other qualifications or industry standards can be included where relevant Employers can still submit proposals for Pathways Each should link to other post-16 provisions to allow learners to port qualifications into an apprenticeship programme
Prentisiaethau - newidiadau Apprenticeships - changes Bydd y Comisiwn yn cyflwyno tystysgrifau prentisiaethau pan fydd darparwr dysgu, cyflogwr neu brentis yn dweud bod y Llwybr dan sylw wedi’i gwblhau. Bydd angen cyflwyno rhai newidiadau i’r cynnwys Bydd Prentisiaethau hyd at Lefel 5 yn cael eu gweinyddu a’u hariannu gan y Comisiwn, a gofynion atebolrwydd yn cael eu cwmpasu gan rwymedigaethau cytundebol The Commission will issue apprenticeship certificates when it is notified by a learning provider, employer or apprentice that the Pathway has been completed. Some change to the contents will be necessary Apprenticeships up to Level 5 will be administered and funded via the Commission with accountability requirements covered by contractual obligations
Prentisiaethau - newidiadau Apprenticeships - changes Bydd prentisiaethau gradd ar Lefel 6+ yn cael eu hariannu trwy gyfrwng grant i’r Comisiwn ac yn destun proses Cytundeb Rheoleiddio a Deilliannau. Bydd effaith a chyflawniad deilliannau yn cael eu mesur Hoffem i chi ddweud wrthym pa elfennau o’r system bresennol sy’n gweithio’n dda, lle gellir gwella’r ddarpariaeth a nodi unrhyw faterion/broblemau eraill Degree apprenticeships at Level 6+ will be funded via a grant to the Commission and subect to the Regulation and Outcome Agreement (ROA) process. The impact and achievement of outcomes will be measured We need you to tell us which elements of the current system works well, where delivery can be improved and the identification of any other issues
Modelau dysgu newydd New learning models Bydd modelau Cytundeb Rheoleiddio a Deilliannau newydd yn rheoleiddio’r dysgu a’r darparwyr hyfforddiant: Gall gofynion rheoleiddio ymwneud â hyfywedd ariannol, ansawdd, darpariaeth, llywodraethiant, terfyn ffioedd, mynediad teg a chytundebau diogelu dysgwyr Byddai’r darparwr yn ymrwymo i gyflwyno set o ddeilliannau, mewn trafodaeth â’r Comisiwn O’ch profiad chi, hoffem gael adborth ar ddulliau amgen, mesurau ymyrryd os bydd pethau’n methu a chymhellion i hyrwyddo ymddygiadau cadarnhaol Learning and training providers will be regulated by new Regulation and Outcome Agreement (ROA) Models: Regulation requirements may relate to financial viability, quality, delivery, governance, fee limits, fair access and learner protection agreements The provider would commit to delivering set outcomes, negotiated with the Commission From your experience, we’re looking for feedback on alternatives, intervention measures in the event of failure and incentives to promote positive behaviours
Diogelu dysgwyr Protecting learners Hoffem helpu dysgwyr i ddal ati i ddysgu pe bai’r cwrs yn dod i ben neu’r campws yn cau, neu os ydyn nhw’n cael eu diswyddo fel prentis – er eu lles nhw a’u darpar gyflogwr: Rydym wrthi’n datblygu cyfres o egwyddorion gan gynnwys system gyfathrebu well, monitro ansawdd y ddarpariaeth, cosbau am ddiffyg cydymffurfio a phrotocolau rhannu data effeithiol We want to help learners continue their learning should their course or campus close or, as an apprentice, they are made redundant – benefiting them and their future employer: A set of principles are being developed to this end, including improved communication, monitoring quality of provision, sanctions for non compliance and effective data sharing protocols
Diogelu dysgwyr Protecting learners Datblygu Cynlluniau Diogelu a Chynnydd Dysgwyr sy’n manylu ar y prosesau i’w dilyn, cynllun gweithredu sy’n chwilio am gyflogwyr amgen ar gyfer dysgu seiliedig ar waith, dewisiadau amgen a dewisiadau sy’n cydnabod dysgu blaenorol Hoffem weld trefniadau sy’n diogelu dysgwyr ac sy’n ymarferol i ddarparwyr a chyflogwyr – gall eich cyfraniad chi ein helpu i gyflawni hyn Learner Protection and Progression (LPP) Plans developed detailing processes to follow, action plan seeking alternative employers for work-based learning, options for alternatives and options to recognise prior learning We want arrangements to safeguard learners and be practical for providers and employers – your input can help us achieve this
Ymchwil ac arloesi Research and innovation Bydd pwyllgor newydd, Ymchwil ac Arloesi Cymru, yn cyfuno AHO gyda’r maes ymchwil ac arloesi Cyrchfan ymchwil ac arloesi seiliedig ar strategaeth, er mwyn ymateb i’r heriau economaidd, diwydiannol, llesiant cymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol sy’n wynebu Cymru Modelau cyllido sy’n gysylltiedig â rhagoriaeth a pherthnasedd gwaith ymchwil, blaenoriaethau cenedlaethol Cymru a chyfleoedd diwydiannol a masnachol A new committee, Research and Innovation Wales (RIW), will integrate PCET with research and innovation The go-to place to strategy-related research and innovation, to meet Wales’ economic, industrial, social well-being and environmental challenges Funding models linked to the excellence and relevance of the research, Wales’ national priorities and industrial and commercial opportunities
Ymchwil ac arloesi Research and innovation Gall derbynwyr cyllid posib gynnwys busnesau bach a chanolig, cwmnïau diwydiannol mawr, sefydliadau ymchwil a thechnoleg, sefydliadau Addysg Bellach ac Addysg Uwch, awdurdodau lleol, y GIG a chyrff cyhoeddus Monitro’r ddarpariaeth er mwyn mesur effeithiau a deilliannau Hoffem eich cyfraniad chi i greu’r system gywir a helpu Cymru i lywio’r agenda ymchwil ac arloesi Potential funding recipients include SMEs, large industrial companies, research and technology organisations, HE and FE institutions, local authorities, NHS and public bodies Delivery performance to be monitored to measure impacts and outcomes We need your insight to create the right system and help Wales lead the R&I agenda
Y Gymraeg Welsh language Gweledigaeth Llywodraeth Cymru yw miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050 Mae gan AHO gyfraniad allweddol i’w wneud o ran sicrhau bod unigolion yn parhau i ddefnyddio’u sgiliau Cymraeg yn y byd gwaith Rhannwch eich sylwadau ar y ddarpariaeth Gymraeg ar hyn o bryd, a’r cyfleoedd i wella, datblygu a hyrwyddo Welsh Government has a vision to achieve one million Welsh speakers by 2050 PCET has a critical role in ensuring individuals maintain and develop their Welsh language skills for use in future employment Share your views on the current Welsh language provision and scope for improvement, development and promotion
Uchafbwyntiau eraill Other highlights Rydym hefyd eisiau ymgynghori ar y canlynol: Dewisiadau a fydd yn gwneud cymwysterau’n fwy hygyrch a hyblyg i ddysgwyr a chyflogwyr – fel graddau carlam Sicrhau ansawdd cyrsiau a darparwyr PCET fel bod addysg a dysgu yn ateb y gofyn i’r dysgwr a’i gyflogwr yn y dyfodol We’re also looking to consult on: Options for making qualifications more accessible and flexible for learners and employers – such as accelerated degrees Making the quality of PCET courses and providers assured so that education and learning is fit for purpose for the learner and future employer
Uchafbwyntiau eraill Other highlights Ac ymgynghori ar y canlynol: Trefniadau asesu, monitro, unioni a gwella – gan gynnwys y defnydd o aseswyr allanol Cynigion ar gyfer sicrwydd ariannol a llywodraethol Casglu a defnyddio data ac ystadegau am AHO We’re also looking to consult on: Arrangements for assessment, monitoring, redress and enhancement – including the use of external assessors Proposals for financial and governance assurance Collection and use of data and statistics around PCET
Eich cyfraniad chi Your Part to Play
Helpu’n gilydd Help us to help you Mae’r ymgynghoriad yn gyfle i ni gydweithio er mwyn sicrhau bod AHO yn cael ei weddnewid mewn modd cyffrous yng Nghymru. Hoffem greu system sy’n gweithio i bawb, ond dim ond trwy gydweithio y gallwn sicrhau bod hynny’n dwyn ffrwyth Er nad ydyn nhw’n gynigion pendant eto, maen nhw wedi’u hamlinellu’n fanwl fel y gallwn barhau i’w mireinio er mwyn datblygu’r system mwyaf cadarn ac effeithiol The consultation is an opportunity for us to collaborate to build an exciting transformation to PCET in Wales. We want to create a system which works for everybody but we can only ensure this happens by working together in its development The proposals are not set in stone but have been outlined in more detail so we can continue to fine tune them to develop the most robust and effective system
Helpu’n gilydd Help us to help you Bydd y newidiadau sydd o’n blaenau yn effeithio arnoch chi fel cyflogwr – nid dim ond oherwydd eu bod nhw’n cynnwys cyfrifoldebau, gweithdrefnau a phrosesau newydd ond fel rhan o ddatblygiad ehangach doniau’r dyfodol a chreu sgiliau Rydym nid yn unig yn croesawu’ch cyfraniad i’r ymgynghoriad – mae’n gwbl hanfodol The changes ahead will impact you as an employer not only as it involves new responsibilities, procedures and processes but in the wider development of future talent and skills creation Your involvement within this consultation is not only invited, it is vital
Cymryd rhan Getting involved Ewch i’r ymgynghoriad yn: https://beta.llyw.cymru/comisiwn- addysg-drydyddol-ac-ymchwil-i- gymru Cyflwynwch eich sylwadau Trwy’r ffurflen ar-lein E-bostiwch y ffurflen ymateb i DiwygioPCET@llyw.cymru Postiwch i: Y Tîm Diwygio Addysg a Hyfforddiant Ôl-orfodol Llywodraeth Cymru Parc Cathays 2 Caerdydd CF10 3NQ Erbyn 17 Gorffennaf 2018 Visit the technical consultation at: https://beta.gov.wales/tertiary- education-and-research- commission-wales Submit your comments Via the online form E-mail the response form to PCETReform@gov.wales Post it to: Post-Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) Reform Team Welsh Government Cathays Park 2 Cardiff CF10 3NQ Deadline to respond is 17 July 2018
Cwestiynau Questions