Foundations of the Northern Renaissance Spread to the rest of Europe through merchants, diplomats, and soldiers Many northern Europeans wanted to duplicate the culture of the Italian Renaissance The culture of Northern Europe was very different from Italy’s though This meant that the Renaissance in the north was different from Italy’s
Reason Why the Northern Renaissance Was Different Unlike Italy, Northern Europe… Was not influenced by ancient Greek and Roman cultures Was divided into countries and ruled by powerful monarchs Artists were supported by monarchs, not patrons Was not willing to give up their ties to the Church
Italian vs. Northern Renaissance Art Italian Renaissance Northern Renaissance Subject Matter Greek/Roman Mythology Religious Scenes Everyday Life Domestic Interiors Portraits Materials Fresco Tempera Both result in lighter/paler colors Oil Results in more vivid/rich/darker colors Examples The Sistine Madonna by Raphael The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan Van Eyck
The Sistine Madonna by Raphael Vs The Sistine Madonna by Raphael Vs. The Arnolfini Portrait By Jan Van Eyck
Visual Accomplishments of the Northern Renaissance Albrecht Durer German artist Specialized in engravings Knight, Death, and the Devil
Visual Accomplishments of the Northern Renaissance Pieter Bruegel Flemish artist A member of the Flemish School, a group of Flemish Renaissance artists Known for his paintings depicting peasants and commoners The Peasant Wedding
Visual Accomplishments of the Northern Renaissance Jan Van Eyck Flemish artist A member of the Flemish School as well The Arnolfini Portrait
Visual Accomplishments of the Northern Renaissance Hubert Van Eyck Flemish artist Older brother of Jan Van Eyck Member of the Flemish School as well The Three Marys at the Tomb
Literary Accomplishments Of The Northern Renaissance England dominated the literary scene during the Renaissance Known as the Elizabethan Age
Literary Accomplishments of The Northern Renaissance Sir Thomas More English author and humanist Utopia
Literary Accomplishments of the Northern Renaissance Sir William Shakespeare English author and playwright Considered to be the greatest writer in the world Writing focused on human actions and emotions Works include: Romeo and Juliet Hamlet Macbeth Othello The Merchant of Venice Julius Caesar And many more…
Literary Accomplishments of the Northern Renaissance Christopher Marlowe English author Influenced by William Shakespeare Writing focused on human actions and emotions
Literary Accomplishments of the Northern Renaissance Miguel de Cervantes Spanish author Don Quixote
Other Accomplishments The Moveable-Type Printing Press Invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440 in Germany The Bible was the first full-sized book printed by Gutenberg