The Scout Law
A Scout is: trustworthy He tells the truth and keeps his promises
He is true to his friends, his family, and the world community. A Scout is: Loyal He is true to his friends, his family, and the world community.
He willingly helps without pay or reward A Scout is: Helpful He willingly helps without pay or reward
He respects those with different A Scout is: Friendly He respects those with different ideas and customs
He is polite to everyone. A Scout is: Courteous He is polite to everyone.
He is never cruel to living things. A Scout is: Kind He is never cruel to living things.
A Scout is: Obedient He follows the rules.
He tries to make others happy. A Scout is: Cheerful He tries to make others happy.
He is careful not to be wasteful. A Scout is: Thrifty He is careful not to be wasteful.
He can face danger calmly, and stand up for what is right. A Scout is: Brave He can face danger calmly, and stand up for what is right.
He keeps his body, mind and home clean. A Scout is: Clean He keeps his body, mind and home clean.
He is respectful of God and respects the beliefs of others. A Scout is: Reverent He is respectful of God and respects the beliefs of others.
Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, A Scout is: Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.