BRF Legislative Amendment and Aligning for Growth Presentation to the Trading Advisory Committee September 22, 2016 Presentation by: Jim George Maryland Department of Environment
BRF Legislative Amendment on Credit Purchases Graphic:
BRF Amendment Background (Con’t) Stakeholder Concerns from 2016 (HB325): No limits on when & how many credits ($) may be purchased. Questions regarding what the credits apply to. Safeguard the uses of dedicated funds. Potential impacts on Ag sector ability to meet its Bay goals. State involvement in market place pricing. Premature given limited understanding of trading program. Potential expectation for restoration to occur in urban locale. Potential impact on funding stormwater permit obligations. Concern small WWTPs will not receive upgrade funding.
BRF Amendment: Next Steps & Schedule Sept. 22, 2016: Provide a background briefing to the TAC. Confirm the accurate documentation of current and additional issues to be addressed in a BRF credit purchase policy document. Sept/Oct – Develop a draft White Paper to address issues & seek interagency review. Oct. 17 – Present White Paper & ID a TAC Subgroup at TAC Meeting Oct/Nov – Discuss White Paper & Legis. with TAC Subgroup Nov. 17 – Discuss Subgroup findings at TAC Meeting Nov/Dec – Further meeting of Subgroup if needed Dec. 12 – Seek closure on the key issues & draft legislation at TAC Meeting
Aligning for Growth Graphic:
AfG: Next Steps & Schedule Sept. 22, 2016: Background briefing for TAC Sept/Oct – Interagency Review of draft AfG policy proposal Oct. 17 – BRF focus of TAC Meeting. Identify Subgroup to work on AfG. Oct/Nov – Seek feedback on draft AfG policy proposal with TAC Subgroup Nov. 17 – Present AfG policy proposal at TAC Meeting* Nov/Dec – Seek further feedback from Subgroup on AfG Dec. 12 – Seek consensus where possible at TAC Meeting. Possible break from AfG discussion during legislative session if closure is not reached in December 2016. Reach closure on AfG policy in spring/summer 2017. * Contingent on time available; BRF legislation discussion is a priority due to legislative schedule.