QUICK HANDLE BASKETBALL SPRING ACADEMY - 2017 Academy Dates and Times March: 27, 29 April: 3, 10, 12, 17, 24, 26 May: 1, 8, 10, 15, 22, 24,29 Times: 6:30-7:30pm TOTAL SESSIONS: 15 Class Schedule: Mon/Wed Academy Cost 1 Session = $40.00 5 Sessions = $125.00 10 Sessions = $150.00 15 Sessions = $180.00 Skill superiority is not an option… It’s the goal! Registration Form Name: Email: Address: City: Zip Parents Names: Phone: 4th-6th grader ________ 7th-12th grader___________ How many sessions? Total Paid: Absolutely NO refunds. Incase of injury, with a note from the Doctor, you can transfer to another training opportunity. Transfer good only up to 1 year. BRING YOUR OWN BASKETBALL!! Held at: Kenmore Junior High 20323 66th Ave NE Kenmore, WA 98028 Both groups together separate courts! Juniors: 3rd-6th Grades All Stars: 7th-12th Grades Purchase a package today and save $$$$!! Session Packages that are purchased for spring 2017 can not carry into the fall 2017 sessions Quick Handle Basketball, PO Box 14834, Mill Creek, WA 98082; www.quickhandle.com ; 425-224-4668