Office of Self Governance Update – July 2018
Tara Sweeney- Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs Ms. Sweeney of Alaska’s Native Village of Barrow and the Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope has been confirmed by the Senate on June 28, 2018.
Office of Self Governance – Finance To date, OSG has received and obligated approximately $365,828,797 in FY 2018 funding for distribution.
OSG Finance - FY 2018 Child Care Development Fund Discretionary Program Description Amount Child Care Development Fund Discretionary 13,996,767 Community Services Block Grant 169,724 Mandatory 9,710,176 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Native Employment Works 16,351,424 Operation of Indian Programs 2-year 248,931,686
OSG Finance - FY 2018 Program Description Amount Operations of Indian Programs – Reimbursables Great Lakes Restorations 1,386,250 Contract Support Costs 47,263,923 Department of the Interior Wildland Fire 3,248,252 OST Real Estate Appraisals 1,023,623 Operation of Indian Programs & Construction Annual 1,876,522 Construction Safety of Dams 2,025,123 Department of Transportation Construction and Planning 19,845,327
Contract Support Cost (CSC) 2018 Distributions CSC Total, to date: $ 46,355,952
Contract Support Cost (CSC) 2017 Update FY 2017 total need: $100,973,197 FY 2017 Overpayments as of September 30, 2017: $33,370 (1 Tribe)
Contract Support Cost (CSC) 2018 Data Call due August 1, 2018 In a Dear Tribal Leader Letter dated June 7, 2018, all Self-Governance Tribes are requested to submit information necessary to calculate the Tribe’s CSC need no later than August 1, 2018.
BIA Road Maintenance Survey Tribal Interior Budget Council Sub-Committee on Road Maintenance is seeking information to help improve BIA Roads program Survey is being distributed to all tribes and BIA agencies that operate a Road Maintenance program OSG Tribes currently have limited participation. The deadline has been extended to September 30, 2018
BIA Road Maintenance Survey Instructions: Respondents will reply to the survey through the Google survey link Some questions may take additional research. All questions or fields will require a response. At the end on page 5, the user must click Submit in order for their response to be saved. Survey must be completed from beginning to end in one sitting. One response per tribe or BIA agency.
BIA Road Maintenance Survey Survey link: Contact: Daniel Sine, Budget Analyst Phone: (605) 226-7742 Email: Ernest Pourier, Budget Officer Phone: (605) 226-7743 Email:
Tribal Transportation Program Compliance Deadline Extension The Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal Transportation Program, regulations published on November 7, 2016, established a deadline for BIA and Tribes to comply with requirements for collecting and updating data for the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory (NTTFI). See 81 FR 78456 (November 7, 2016). 25 CFR §170.443 required Tribes to collect and update data by November 7, 2017, for proposed roads to be added to, or remain in, the NTTFI. The interim final rule published on October 31, 2017, changes the compliance date for submission of the data to November 7, 2019.
The End
FY 2018 Supporting Innovation: Field Initiated Programs Solicitation Bureau of Justice Assistance issued solicitation to address violent crime related to tribes and tribal members Solicitation is open until July 30, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. ET Additional information:
FY 2018 Tribal Victims Services Set-Aside Program The Office for Victims of Crime (OVS) is seeking applications from Tribes, Tribal Consortia, and Tribal Designees are eligible applicants Application Deadline: Phase 1 August 6, 2018 Additional Information:
Tribal Opioid Response Grant Applicant deadline: August 20, 2018 Contact: Additional information: