God Tests Abraham’s Faith
Offer Your Only Son As A Burnt Offering God commanded Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice – Genesis 22:1-2 Isaac was called “only son” because he was uniquely the son of promise Others offered human sacrifice, but this was out of character for the God of heaven Abraham went without asking a single question
Abraham Obeyed Genesis 22:3 He went exactly as God prescribed Split the wood and took it for fire He went to the place God told him to He had Isaac with him to sacrifice Genesis 22:4-5 Abraham went as directed by God, rather than sending a servant
Abraham Went to Worship Genesis 22:4-5 Abraham went as directed by God, rather than sending a servant to do it for him. Notice: “The lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.” Worship is something one does intentionally. Abraham vocalized his faith when he said, “we will come back to you.”
“God Will Provide” Genesis 22:6-7 Isaac observed the wood, fire and knife but asked where the sacrifice was Genesis 22:8 In a great display of faith, Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” Later, David recognized God would deliver him (1 Samuel 17:37). Paul also trusted God (2 Timothy 1:12). God delivered and Paul knew he would deliver again (2 Timothy 4:17-18).
They Went Up as Directed Genesis 22:9-10 Abraham built an altar He placed the wood on it in order He bound Isaac and laid him on the wood He raised the knife to slay his son
Abraham’s Faithful Sacrifice Hebrews 11:17-18 reveals some important facts about Abraham. “Offered up” describes an act already completed in his mind. He knew this was the son of promise and that God had said his seed would be called in Isaac (Genesis 21:12). Hebrews 11:19 explains Abraham was able to do this because he believed God could raise his son, Isaac, from the dead
“Now I Know That You Fear God” Genesis 22:11-19 God now saw Abraham would obey him no matter what the cost God truly provided a sacrifice in the form of a ram caught in a thicket Abraham named the place, “Jehovah-Jireh,” or “The Lord Will Provide” God renewed the promise saying his descendants would be like the stars in number and all nations of the earth would be blessed through his seed
Lessons Learned from Abraham James 2:22-24 – Abraham showed his faith in obedient response to God Romans 4 – Abraham did what he did to please God, not to earn his way into heaven Ephesians 2:8-10 – Our goal should also be to please God through obedient faith and enter heaven by his grace