LO: To design a sustainable living space for Hong Kong.
What is the average HK living space like? You might find out the following by surveying the class or finding out online… Average property size (area in sq ft or M). Building height in storeys. Temperature range annually. Amount of outdoor space (balcony or garden). Number of lights, A/C units, and electronic devices.
So how could our HK living spaces be made more sustainable? The key areas that we could focus on are: Food and water consumption. Waste production. Transport. Energy consumption.
Your task… Based on a typical HK living space, you should produce a model of a home that is trying to help its residents live as sustainably as possible. You must address the 4 criteria from the previous slide. Your model may be 2D or 3D (3D models must not exceed 110cm when adding together the lengths of all 3 axis measurements). You should also explain why your chosen strategies help to improve sustainability. You can be as ingenious as you like. Just make sure that you consider Social, Economic and Environmental issues when planning your home.
Some inspiration… Off-grid city living in Sydney: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0BC4m48wY