The Role of Donors in PPD on a Regional Level Public-Private Dialogue International Workshop on PPD, February 1-2, 2006 The Role of Donors in PPD on a Regional Level Case study: The ASPB Program Improving the Business Climate in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Background: the SADC and it’s member states 14 member countries: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, DR Congo, Madagascar, Mauritius Extreme differences between member countries: Population: 5 smallest countries = 3.4% total SADC population, 3 biggest countries = 64% GDP: 5 smallest countries = 4% total SADC GDP Diversification of economies: RSA, Zimbabwe <-> Congo, Madagascar Political history: Apartheid, very long liberation wars, One-party-systems Colonial heritage: languages, juridical systems, role of civil society Market orientation of Economies: Mauritius <-> Angola 14.11.2018
ASPB – Advisory Service for Private Business Funded by German Government (BMZ), implemented by German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) The political, economic, social development of countries can be accelerated and improved by regional integration! Political harmonisation on the regional level must focus on and be followed by enhanced economic exchanges between states. Private sector organizations and business associations play a key role in boosting of intraregional trade and investment ASPB strategy: inventory - analyses - development of tools - development of strategies 14.11.2018
Public Private Dialogue in the SADC 14.11.2018
The Challenges for ASPB Use the regional level for mutual information, as reference example, to keep the ball rolling Convince PSO to take initiative Improve analytical skills and capacities of PSO Help the dialogue partners to come to a shared vision on the basic macro-economic problems affecting business (“White Paper”) Improve the database for the dialogue (“RBCS”) Develop a tool for impact monitoring of PPD Make the dialogue a structured one: preparation, doing the dialogue, monitoring the results; regularity Make the PPD a constituent of the political environment 14.11.2018
The Role of ASPB Keep the ball rolling: stay in contact Identify potential “champions” – but don’t try to act as one Strengthen existing ownership Be aware that the dialogue is an instrument, not the aim Develop tools to improve the dialogue Support business organizations to define their strategy for PPD Support activities aiming at improving the quality of the dialogue Existing ownership, Structured dialogue, Permanence and Regularity of dialogue, Broadness of dialogue, Constituency, Real “participation” 14.11.2018
The Scope of PPD as a Constituent of Market Economy Drafting and monitoring of laws pertaining to the economy and to business Elaboration of National budget Definition of the national position on international trade issues, including during the negotiations 14.11.2018