Crowd-sourcing Artificial Intelligence and Enabling Citizen Scientists with STEEM & Steemit Mark R. Waser D161T4L W15D0M/Digital Wisdom Institute Mark.Waser@Wisdom.Digital
Designed from the beginning as a Value Proposition Designed from the beginning as a CRYPTOCURRENCY and a SOCIAL SYSTEM Digital Wisdom Group Machine Intelligence Enhancing Common Sense STEEMIT AI
STEEM’s Advantages “Transactions as Proof of Stake” and a Sophisticated Economic Model allow: No transaction fees (allows micropayments!) Fastest Speed & Highest Throughput Most Resilience Against 51% Attacks Better (De-)centralization Scheme Less Economic Incentive to Attack Successful Responses to Hacks Digital Wisdom Group Machine Intelligence Enhancing Common Sense STEEMIT AI
SteemIt’s Advantages Riding on the STEEM infrastructure allows: Up-votes lead to payment for posts Multiple paths to income & investment Synergistic Explosive Growth An easy built-in payment system A gentle on-ramp to cryptocurrencies New approaches to incentivize pro-social behavior and punish sociopathy Digital Wisdom Group Machine Intelligence Enhancing Common Sense STEEMIT AI
STEEM/Steemit’s Biggest Advantage: It’s the community, stupid! With a shout-out to Daniel Larimer & the other founders
Full Disclosure: D161T4L W15D0M is investing heavily in the STEEM/Steemit community The world is headed for a lot of trouble unless we can all pull together as one diverse community We believe that STEEM/Steemit is the best platform for crowd-sourcing safe/ethical artificial intelligence Digital Wisdom Group Machine Intelligence Enhancing Common Sense STEEMIT AI
A scientific portal for your field run as a Steemit community Citizen Scientists While the largest payouts are grabbed by “social” posts, good data science posts reliably receive steady payouts Can you imagine? A scientific portal for your field run as a Steemit community Good tools will also reliably receive steady payouts and, we believe, have the potential to go viral & hit the jackpot And Steemit communities are the ultimate test- bed for the economic & social experiments we so desperately need Digital Wisdom Group Machine Intelligence Enhancing Common Sense STEEMIT AI
Crowd-sourcing Safe/Ethical AI Safely Crowd-Sourcing Critical Mass for a Self-Improving Human-Level Learner/“Seed AI” Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012 -- Digital Wisdom Group Machine Intelligence Enhancing Common Sense STEEMIT AI
Digital Wisdom Group Machine Intelligence Enhancing Common Sense We believe that the development of ethics and artificial intelligence and equal co-existence with ethical machines is humanity's best hope http://Wisdom.Digital Mark.Waser@Wisdom.Digital Digital Wisdom Group Machine Intelligence Enhancing Common Sense STEEMIT AI
References steemit-mascot-meme-before-4-july changing-lives-with-good-architecture-steemits-first-architecture-post Digital Wisdom Group Machine Intelligence Enhancing Common Sense STEEMIT AI