English II January 25, 2018 As you come in, turn in your homework (“theme” packet). Put your phones and bags away. Get a Chrome book and begin working on your test. When you have finished with your test, put your Chromebook away neatly. Please be sure it is in the right place and plugged in.
Announcements You will have a benchmark test on January 29th. This will be a full-scale STAAR EOC test and will be conducted with all of the same procedures. You will have a test over our poetry study next Friday (February 2).
Poetic form What is poetic form? Poetic form is what we notice first about a poem. It is the arrangement of words on the page. Included in form are the graphic elements—the length of the lines, how they are arranged into stanzas. There are two basic forms of poetry: Traditional Organic
Poetic form Characteristics of poetic forms: Traditional – follows fixed rules, has a regular pattern of rhythm and rhyme, includes sonnets, odes, haikus, limericks, ballads, and epic poetry. Look at the examples in your book. Organic – does not have a regular pattern of rhythm and may not rhyme, may use unconventional spelling, punctuation, and grammar, includes free verse and concrete poetry. Look at the examples in your book.
Poetic form Characteristics of poetic forms: Traditional – in the excerpt from “The Fire of Driftwood” by H.W. Longfellow: How is the form of the first stanza similar to that of the second? Summarize the ideas expressed in each stanza. Organic – in the excerpt from “I am Not Done Yet” by Lucille Clifton: Identify two elements which make this poem organic. The short lines and the rhythm help to emphasize the ideas expressed in each line. Choose two of those lines and explain what the speaker is saying.
Homework Using the internet or other research tools, find one example of traditional poetry and one example of organic poetry. On a sheet of paper, write the name of the poem, the name of the poet, and a list of the characteristics that help identify the poems as to form. Be prepared to share your results with the class tomorrow.