The Resurrection Part 2
No General Resurrection The Resurrection All will be resurrected Acts 24:15; John 5:28-29 But No General Resurrection 1st Resurrection 2nd Resurrection Over 1000 Years (Rev. 20:5-6) Phil. 3:10-11 “resurrection from among the dead” Matt. 24:31 Only the “elect” are gathered. Luke 14:14 A resurrection of only the “just.” Luke 20:35-36 Only those “accounted as worthy.” Heb. 11:35 A “better resurrection.”
Christ’s glorified body: The Resurrection The Resurrection Christ’s glorified body: • It was a real body. • It was a physical body that could be touched • He could eat normal food • Not simply a clone of His earthly body. • It was a spiritual body. • It was a physical body that could pass through a wall. • It was an incorruptible and immortal body.
Incorruptible & Immortal The Resurrection Body Incorruptible & Immortal • Weakness replaced by strength and power. • No scars from the pains of life. • No disfigurement of disease or wounds of violence. • Death no longer has power over us.