Catherine Aleisha Ethan,Charlie Cerys and Jaden CINDERELLA Catherine Aleisha Ethan,Charlie Cerys and Jaden
The wicked step-mother shouted at Cinderella.
Cinderella always does all the work Cinderella always does all the work. She sweeps the floor then she cleans the windows. Poor Cinderella her bed is a straw mattress next to the fire.
Cinderella’s step mother and step sisters are always horrible to her Cinderella’s step mother and step sisters are always horrible to her. They make her do all the work and then she has to cook the food.
Cinderella felt very sad and she wished she had a prince to rescue her.
“I am going to have a ball and then I will marry the prettiest girl there” said the prince.
Cinderella felt really sad because she could not go to the ball.
Cinderella made a wish and suddenly a fairy godmother appeared Cinderella made a wish and suddenly a fairy godmother appeared. " You shall go to the ball” she said.
The prince went to his father the king and told him that he wanted to meet a beautiful lady. The king said ” We will have a ball then so that you can find the prettiest girl in the land”.
Cinderella went to the ball but at twelve o'clock she lost her glass slipper as she ran down the steps. The prince had fallen in love with her and wanted to find her.
The prince found Cinderella and they lived happily ever after.