Humanitarian Country Team CWG Steering Committee PHILIPPINE CASH WORKING GROUP FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE Humanitarian Country Team (UN RC/HC) ICCG/ERPWG CWG Steering Committee Chair: Every 4 months rotation; Secretariat: UNOCHA (11 members; AFC, UNOCHA, UNICEF, CARE International, World Vision, Save the Children, WFP, Plan International, PRC, OXFAM, FAO, ILO) Cash Working Group Sub-National Level (General Membership and Sub-national Level) Chair: CWG Designated Chair The CWG General Membership is chaired by the current CWG SC chair with UNOCHA as permanent Secretariat while at the sub-national level the chair is discussed among the members of the CWG SC and also dependent on the presence of the agency in the area and its capacity