The Kite Runner Baba.
The father of Amir and Hassan. He is said to be born in the year 1933 He loves throwing parties Known for his strength - he is said to have fought with a black bear when he was younger Baba is a successful business man and helped many other people establish businesses for themselves and also constructed an orphanage. During the book, Baba seems to be a bit disappointed in his son Amir, who he wishes to be as much of a man as he is. “A boy who doesn’t stand up for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up for anything”
Baba is a man of means and principles but does not agree with the Afghanistan’s strong religious views and thinks that the religious teachers do nothing and are a waste of space “God help us all if Afghanistan ever falls into their hands.”
Baba expects too much of Amir, and Amir always disappoints him. Baba feels guilty towards Hassan as he is his son but if people found out he would lose his respect and his reputation would be tainted, as he slept with his servant who was a Hazara. “The least I could have done was to have the decency to have turned out a little more like him .But I hadn’t turned out like him. Not at all.” This is ironic because throughout Amir’s life Baba kept a secret from him and lied to his loved ones just like Amir. They both have a guilty secret.
When they moved to America Baba discovered that he had cancer. As Amir found the courage to tell his father what he wanted, Baba finally accepted his son for who he is and agreed that Amir should be able to do what he wanted with his life. Even though Baba was very ill he still went to General Sahib’s house to ask permission for Amir to marry Soraya.
The End By Eilidh and Danielle