LESSONS LEARNED IN COMMUNICATIONS FOR SMC, 2015 GUINEA ACCESS-SMC TEAM, GUINEA Dr Souleymane DIAKITE, Focal Point, ACCESS-SMC Dr Eugène Kaman LAMA, Acting Project Manager/MEAL Officer 18 January 2016
Presentation Outline Context Strategy III. Outcomes IV. Strengths V. Weaknesses VI. Difficulties Encountered VII. Recommendations
I. Context Guinea: Implementation of SMC is happening within the context of Ebola: There is a need to strengthen communication.
II. Strategy Advocacy Administrative and health authorities at all levels; Leaders and community associations; Field partners; Local news agency. Mass media communication Production and broadcast of radio spots; Production of radio programmes
II. Strategy Interpersonal Communication Message dissemination via Town Criers; Organisation of discussion groups. Mass Communication Organizing social mobilization targeting caregivers of children under 5 years of age
III. Outcomes 02 radio spot products 784 radio spot broadcasts in six (06) rural radio stations 03 Radio programmes produced 18 reruns of radio programmes 900 people reached through advocacy 350 community leaders sensitised during discussions and social mobilisation groups 800 caregivers sensitised
Photos of Activities in Mali District III. Outcomes Photos of Activities in Mali District
V. Strengths Involvement of administrative, municipal and health authorities; Strong support from the community and commitment from the population; Presence of Speak Up Africa and CNA who filmed + took photos, advocacy and communication in Mali and Koubia; Synchronising local communication activities has solved the problem of reluctant cases.
V. Weaknesses Insufficient number of Town Criers (2 per HC); Partial achievement of the campaign’s communications plan activities (TV spots, advocacy at Central level, etc.); Insufficient funds allocated to local communication activities Insufficient amount of certain media and communications products (T-shirts and banners)
VI. Difficulties Encountered Reluctance in some areas due to the Ebola Epidemic; Condition of some rural roads; Isolation of some communities; Social mobilisation issues related to the socio-political situation
IX. Recommendations Increase the number of Town Criers (from 2 to 10 per HF); Run all of the campaign’s planned communcation activities; Allocate more funds to communications activities; Produce all of the necessary communications tools and materials;
Together for a Malaria-Free Guinea!