World War II The world must know what happened, and never forget. - General Eisenhower
Precursor: in need of leadership Many European nations felt cheated by the Treaty of Versailles and the Great Depression Germany in particular experienced severe inflation as a result of reparations payments People were angry, and sought leadership that reflected that anger
I. The Rise of Dictators
“Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized.” -Adolf Hitler
A. Adolf Hitler- Germany World War I veteran Believed in German (Aryan) superiority, expressed his views while in prison in Mein Kampf Came to power following German embarrassment after World War I Persecuted Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals Told Germans they deserved Libensraum, or “living space”
B. Benito Mussolini- Italy Got rid of democracy, created a dictatorship holding all power and authority Believed in fascism, power of the people through a dictator His “Black Shirts” attacked his political opponents Operated a totalitarian regime, holding total control over daily life Invaded Africa, allied with Germany
C. Joseph Stalin- Russia The Russian Revolution in 1917 put Communists in power At first led by Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin soon took power His rule would lead to 10 million deaths within his own country
D. Militarism- Japan During the Depression, Japan did not make enough money to cover imports Unemployment rose, people blamed politicians Military leaders believed Japan was meant to dominate Asia Military invaded Manchuria for its resources without government consent, assassinated prime minister