Paola Primatesta UCL, UK What to measure Paola Primatesta UCL, UK
Tasks Identify measurements based on epidemiological and public health criteria: Burden of disease Public health criteria Subpopulations of interest
Topics’ selection criteria Criteria of selection of topics evidence-based and based on ECHI list: Comprehensive; Meeting user needs – important public health domains; Being innovative as well as based on previous knowledge; Using Health Monitoring Programme and Public Health Programme results.
Criteria for recommendations Recommendations based on: ECHI list; Other Projects of the Public Health Programme ; EHRM; WHO STEPS.
Key areas Demographic and socioeconomic factors Health status/disease Health determinants/health related behaviours Health interventions/health systems
Measurement selection criteria Guiding criteria to select and prioritise HES component: Inclusion in previous national HESs; Availability of international standard; Clear interpretation of the results; Practicality/easy to administer; Ethical acceptability; Acceptability to the respondent; Cost.
Criteria for inclusion
Approach Identify ‘core’ measurements and additional measurements Support a flexible model where elements can be added as requested (modular) Adaptable to disease-oriented (e.g. CVD) or population-oriented (e.g. elderly) HES. Final product flexible enough for its constituent elements to be adaptable to different HESs. Provide an instrument which includes specific topics, and suggest these topics should follow a cycle (e.g. every 10 years?)
‘Core’ measurements
Additional measurements