Industrialization created large C.I.T.I.E.S.
C. Cities grow rapidly At the founding in 1787, only about 5% of Americans lived in cities By 1900, it was 50% Today, it is about 80%
I. Immigrants flood to cities Irish, Italian, and Jewish immigrants were the main groups
T. Transportation: subways and trolley The first subway in U.S. : Boston in 1897
I. Industrial growth Industrial growth fueled urbanization Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, New York, and Pittsburgh were major manufacturing centers
E. Extra services: sewer/water Mass of people meant services were needed New York’s sewer system dates from 1850
S. Slums and tenements Slums: overcrowded and rundown living areas in a city Tenements: apartment buildings built for immigrants that were often overcrowded and a fire hazard