“But I Don’t Speak Spanish.” “Pero no hablo español.” Workshop: How we can help our Spanish-speaking students (even if we don’t speak Spanish….much.) August 8, 2016 Western Suffolk BOCES Presenter: Amy Benjamin www.amybenjamin.com
Demographics: NYS
NEW YORK STATE DEMOGRAPHICS Top ELL Districts # of ELLs New York City 158,094 Brentwood 5,742 Buffalo 4,799 Rochester 3,981 Yonkers 3,362 Syracuse 3,339 Spring Valley 2,503 Hempstead 2,147 Central Islip 2,025 Utica 1,736 Newburgh 1,605 Buffalo (4,799) Rochester (3,259) Syracuse (3,339) Brentwood (5,742) Hempstead (2,147) Yonkers (3,362) New York City (158,094) Utica (1,736) Central Islip (2,025) Newburgh (1,605) Spring Valley (East Ramapo) (2,503) * Big 4: Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Yonkers ** ROS: Rest of State Of the approximately 2.7 million public school students in New York State, 8.9% are English Language Learners. Source: Public School ELL Counts as of May 31, 2013 Source: Public School ELL Counts as of May 31, 2013 Source: Public School ELL Counts as of May 31, 2014
NEW YORK STATE DEMOGRAPHICS 2013-14 Top 10 ELL Home Languages New York State is linguistically diverse, with over 200 languages spoken by our students. Two thirds of ELLs speak Spanish as their home language. Chinese is the next largest language group, followed by Arabic, Bengali, Haitian Creole, Urdu, Russian, French, Korean and Karen. The remaining 17% of ELLs speak over 190 languages, with each language representing less than 1% of the total ELL population. Source: Public School ELL Home Languages as of May 31, 2013 Source: Public School ELL Counts as of May 31, 2014
Performance Outcomes for ELLs: 2014 Grades 3-8 ELA: 2014 Performance Graduation and Aspirational Performance Measure Rates: 2014 In 2014, only 3% of ELLs in Grades 3-8 achieved proficient scores on New York State ELA tests. In 2014, the graduation rate for ELLs was only 31%, and the proportion of ELLs meeting the State’s Aspirational Performance Measure in ELA and Math (i.e., demonstrated the skills necessary to be considered College and Career Ready) was only 5%. Source: IRS 2014
Learning Spanish will (truly) expand your universe. “…the limits of my language are the limits of my universe...“ Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein
If you learn a third language, such as French, Italian, Portuguese or Romanian, already knowing Spanish will be a huge advantage because these languages, too, are Romance Languages. Sp: A caballo regalado, no se le miran los dientes. Port: Um cavalo de presente, ne esta olhando dentes. Fr: Un cheval doue, vous ne serez pas regarde les dents. Ital: Un cavallo di talento, non siete alla ricerca dei denti. Rom: Un cal talentat, nu sunteti in cautarea dinti.
Since many English words are also of Latin origin, when you learn vocabulary in Spanish you will simultaneously be expanding your English vocabulary. Latin: A praeditos equi dentes non putatis.
Read article: “The Superior Social Skills of Bilinguals”
Bilingualism enhances mental abilities in both children and older adults.
Learning Spanish is actually preventive medicine! Speaking two languages reduces your chances of developing dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease.
account for 70% of words used in English. Tier 3: glossary word: Multisyllabic Specific to a subject area Latin or Greek-based topography, escarpment, cartography extrude, metamorphose, striate sedimentary, organic, leeward Nice to know: Have to know: Tier 2: Words of literature and sophisticated conversation: carapace, cornice, tendril admonish, unfurl, memorialize, tenuous, blithe, innocuous Tier 2: Words of education, business, government, religion: Components: Prefix, root, suffix Latin-based elevation, formation, protrusion, expanse… elevate, formulate, isolate, develop… remote, irregular, uninhabited Tier 1: Basic conversational words: Friends & family 1 or 2 syllables Learned naturally, through exposure hills, grass, rocks, land, sky, clouds, …grow, fly, climb, …green, high, rocky, grassy FYI: Most common 1,000 words account for 70% of words used in English. Different kinds of vocabulary.
The Sounds of Spanish a agua e que y i si o loco u tu
Accents: Guess My Rule nada = na da limonada = li mo na da zapatos = za pa tos Rule 1: Words ending in a vowel, or n or s have the accent on the next-to-last syllable. origen = o ri gen compro = com pro estas= es tas ellos= ell os comprenden= com pren den
Accents: Guess My Rule doctor = doc tor ciudad= cid dad Rule 2: Words ending in any consonant except s or n are stressed on the last syllable. comer= co mer hospital = hos pi tal profesor = pro fes or animal = an i mal verdad = ver dad
Accents: Guess My Rule compro= com pro esta= es ta estas= es tas ingles= in gles Rule 3: When Rules 1 and 2 are not followed, an accent mark is used. debil = de bil arbol = ar bol verdad = ver dad policia = po lic cia atención = a ten cion
Accents: Guess My Rule si (if) si (yes) mi (my) mi (me) Rule 4: Accent marks are used to differentiate sound-alike words (homophones). tu (your) tu (you) el (the) el (he) que, cuando, donde, quien, como, por que= relative pronouns que, cuando, donde, quien, como, por que= question words