Lesson 7 Columbus Returns to the New World Aim: To evaluate the extent to which Columbus was a good governor in the New World Key Words: Governor = a leader of an area or organisation. Columbus was made Governor in the New World. Isabella = Columbus returned to the New World and established a new settlement called Isabella. However it soon was destroyed. Bartolome = Columbus’s brother whom he made temporary governor. Santo Domingo = a second settlement built by Columbus that was not destroyed.
"The First Voyage“ Painted in Boston, 1893. THINKING BACK… Identify 4 reasons why Spain started oversees exploration and establishing colonies? Use the source and own knowledge Role of isabella – dressed in white Role of Columbus – pro-active and ambitious – guiding Isabella Religious reasons – Isabelle in white/dresed holy and priest blessing the sea/boat – crusading/foreign ambitions Economic – money/wealth Power – rivalry with Portugal/ Spanish empire "The First Voyage“ Painted in Boston, 1893.
"The First Voyage“ Painted in Boston, 1893. THINKING BACK… Say what you see. Explain the reasons for exploration and colonisation shown in this picture. Role of isabella – dressed in white Role of Columbus – pro-active and ambitious – guiding Isabella Religious reasons – Isabelle in white/dresed holy and priest blessing the sea/boat – crusading/foreign ambitions Economic – money/wealth Power – rivalry with Portugal/ Spanish empire "The First Voyage“ Painted in Boston, 1893.
SPANISH SETTLEMENT: LA NAVIDAD – ISABELLA – SANTO DOMINGO Laminate handout Spanish settlement: From La Navidad to Santo Domingo/ h.w research on Santo Domingo/ Pearson pg27-28 Produce 3 spider diagrams - each with a min. of 8 points on the following Spanish settlement/colony: La Navidad Isabella Santo Domingo Include the 5 W’s, relations between the Spanish settlers and the Taino people – positive/negative, features of everyday life, and consequences of each settlement/colony - short/long term. Breakdown points into pros/cons and themes
Consequences of Snato Domingo Easier to explore the Caribbean Spanish can start to farm and settle.
SPANISH SETTLEMENT: FROM ISABELLA TO SANTO DOMINGO Laminate handout Spanish settlement: From La Navidad to Santo Domingo/ Pearson 27-28 Determine 4 positive consequences of the third settlement Santo Domingo for Spanish exploration? Consider long/short significance, European rivalry and colony Rank the consequences from most significant to least significant in q2.
“Columbus was a good governor.” Do you agree or disagree? Plenary “Columbus was a good governor.” Do you agree or disagree? With your neighbour discuss reasons why you agree and disagree with this statement. Agree Disagree
HOMEWORK- RESEARCH Complete the table detailing activities of Columbus’s second and third voyages to the New World (Caribbean) after the Treaty of Tordesillas 1494.
COLUMBUS AND THE 3 VOYAGES First voyage 1492 Second voyage 1493 Third voyage 1498 Outward journey - from Spain to the New World (Caribbean) 1. Set sail on 3rd August 1492 from Spain 2. Departed with 3 ships; The Pinta, The Nina and The Santa Maria. 3. Crew included 3 doctors, 6 priests and the Pinzon brothers 1. 2. 3. New Islands identified 1.San Salvador (Bahamas) 2. Juana (Cuba) 3. Hispaniola (Haiti/Dominican Republican) Settlements established/ re-visited, relations with the natives and/or problems/solutions encountered 1. Taino Chieftain held celebration ceremony for Columbus and his men and traded gifts; gold mask and beads 2. The Santa Maria was wrecked and La Navidad was established in December 1492 3. 39 Spanish men were left behind to look for gold. Inbound journey – from New World (Caribbean) to Spain 1. Only 2 ships sailed back to Spain; The Nina and The Pinta 2. A range of products were carried back to Spain including tobacco and imprisoned Taino people Long term/or short term significance for Columbus and/or Spain Short term – La Navidad was established so Columbus had some where to return to Long term – Founding of the New World and beginning of Spanish Empire
HOMEWORK - Revision Complete the first two sections of the Spider diagram on Key Topic 1 for revision.. Spanish Exploration, Columbus reaches the New World Religion and Ambitions Spanish claims in the Caribbean Effects of Spanish settlement Spanish Exploration Columbus’s other voyages and role as governor Sponsoring Columbus Spain develops an imperial policy Columbus’s first voyage Topic 1: Spain reaches the ‘New World’ c1490 - 1512 Columbus returns to Spain Conflict at Samana San Salvador La Navidad Rivalry with Portugal Treaty of Tordesillas Impact of contact with the natives Columbus reaches the New World