SOLEXA aka: Sequencing by Synthesis 1) Randomly cut DNA fragments and ligate adaptors to both ends 2) Attach each adaptor to a flow cell to create ssDNA templates. After each round of amplification, the strands are denatured to create more templates.
Add four labeled reversible terminators, primers, and DNA polymerase. Wash off all of the unbound components, excite the laser, and read the emitted fluorescence of the first base for each cluster. The blocked 3’ terminus and fluorophore has to be removed before repeating to determine the next base
454 Sequencing Capable of sequencing 400-600 megabases of DNA in a 10 hour run Applications: Whole genome sequencing Amplicon sequencing Transcriptome sequencing Metagenomics Advantages: low cost, longer reads and higher accuracy than the Sanger chain-termination method
454 Sequencing Concept Large-scale parallel pyrosequencing, “sequencing by synthesis”: Each nucleotide is added in turn, producing PPi Sulfurylase uses PPi to produce ATP, that is used by luciferase to produce light Apyrase denatures the remaining dNTP at each step The light produced with the addition of each nucleotide can be plotted to form a sequence Each incorporation releases PPi Sulfurylase uses PPi to produce ATP, which luciferase can use to generate light The detection of light by a camera when a new nucleotide is added indicates which nucleotide was next in the sequence Since ATP is used by luciferase as part of the detection mechanism, dATP-alphaS is used for sequencing (deoxyadenosine alpha-thio triphosphate) that cannot be used by luciferase but still can be incorporated into a sequence like ATP image: additional info: (pdf format)
454 Sequencing Technology DNA is fractionated, 5’ biotin labeled and attached to streptavidin coated beads. The non-labeled strand is released. The DNA on each bead is amplified onto the bead One bead is deposited in each well Pyrosequencing takes place in the Genome Sequencer FLX instrument
Applied Biosystems SOLiD System © Copyright 2008 Applied Biosystems. All Rights Reserved.
© Copyright 2008 Applied Biosystems. All Rights Reserved.