Parts of Speech Friendly Feud
Face-Off Question 1: End marks are another name for what?
Face-Off Question 1: End marks are another name for what Face-Off Question 1: End marks are another name for what? Answer: Punctuation
Round 1: Name the 4 types of sentences Hint: 3 different types of punctuation
Round 1: Name the 4 types of sentences Answer: Declarative Imperative Interrogative Exclamatory
Face-Off Question 2: A sentence that contains 2 independent clauses is called a ___________ sentence.
Face-Off Question 2: A sentence that contains 2 independent clauses is called a ___________ sentence. Answer: Compound
Round 2: Compound sentences use coordinating conjunctions to connect the independent clauses Name all 7 coordinating conjunctions
Round 2: Name all 7 coordinating conjunctions Answer: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So (FANBOYS)
Face-Off Question 3: A sentence that contains a dependent and an independent clause is called a ____________ sentence.
Face-Off Question 3: A sentence that contains a dependent and an independent clause is called a ____________ sentence. Answer: complex
Round 3: Complex sentences use subordinating conjunctions to combine a dependent clause with an independent clause Name 5 subordinating conjunctions
Round 3: Name 5 subordinating conjunctions Answer: After, although, as, because, before, if, since, when, while, than, until, unless, once, etc.
Face-Off Question 4: What part of speech may be common, proper, abstract, concrete, collective, or possessive?
Face-Off Question 4: What part of speech may be common, proper, abstract, concrete, collective, or possessive? Answer: Nouns
Round 4: Name 4 things that a noun names
Round 4: Name 4 things that a noun names Answer: Person, place, thing, idea
Face-Off Question 5: What do we call nouns that are not capitalized and name a person, place, or thing?
Face-Off Question 5: What do we call nouns that are not capitalized and name a person, place, or thing? Answer: common noun
Round 5: Name 4 common nouns from the list below ant Wood St. team class baseball peace net herd alarm flock Mr. Edwards freedom Harrisburg time love
Round 5: Name 4 common nouns Answer: ant, baseball, net, alarm
Face-Off Question 6: What part of speech names a specific person, place or thing, and always starts with a capital letter?
Face-Off Question 6: What part of speech names a specific person, place or thing, and always starts with a capital letter? Answer: Proper noun
Round 6: Name 3 proper nouns from the list below ant Wood St. team class baseball peace net herd alarm flock Mr. Edwards freedom Harrisburg time love
Round 6: Name 3 proper nouns Answer: Wood St., Mr. Edwards, Harrisburg
Face-Off Question 7: What do we call the part of speech that names ideas and feelings that cannot be seen, heard, or touched?
Face-Off Question 7: What do we call the part of speech that names ideas and feelings that cannot be seen, heard, or touched? Answer: abstract noun
Round 7: Name the 4 abstract nouns from the list below ant Wood St. team class baseball peace net herd alarm flock Mr. Edwards freedom Harrisburg time love
Round 7: Name the 4 abstract nouns Answer: peace, freedom, time, love
Face-Off Question 8: What part of speech names a group Face-Off Question 8: What part of speech names a group? (It can be singular or plural)
Face-Off Question 8: What part of speech names a group Face-Off Question 8: What part of speech names a group? (It can be singular or plural) Answer: collective noun
Round 8: Name 4 collective nouns from the list below ant Wood St. team class baseball peace net herd alarm flock Mr. Edwards freedom Harrisburg time love
Round 8: Name 4 collective nouns Answer: team, class, herd, flock
Face-Off Question 9: What part of speech names who or what owns something?
Face-Off Question 9: What part of speech names who or what owns something? Answer: possessive noun
Round 9: Name 4 possessive nouns from the list below cat’s peoples person’s schools field’s James’s pencils footballs
Round 9: Name 4 possessive nouns from the list below Answer: cat’s, person’s, field’s, James’s
Face-Off Question 10: What words show action or a state of being?
Face-Off Question 10: What words show action or a state of being Face-Off Question 10: What words show action or a state of being? Answer: Verbs
Round 10: Name 3 types of verbs
Round 10: Name 3 types of verbs Answer: Action Linking Helping
Face-Off Question 11: What part of speech tells what the subject does?
Face-Off Question 11: What part of speech tells what the subject does Face-Off Question 11: What part of speech tells what the subject does? Answer: action verb
Round 11: Name 4 action verbs from the list below sing will may seemed wished ran were can are have play
Round 11: Name 4 action verbs Answer: sing, wished, ran, play
Face-Off Question 12: What part of speech links the subject with an adjective or noun? Hint: to be
Face-Off Question 12: What part of speech links the subject with an adjective or noun? Answer: linking verb
Round 12: Name the linking verbs from the list below sing will may seemed wished ran were can are have play
Round 12: Name the linking verbs Answer: is, are, were, seemed
Face-Off Question 13: What part of speech helps the main verb in order to show tense?
Face-Off Question 13: What part of speech helps the main verb in order to show tense? Answer: helping verb
Round 13: Name the helping verbs from the list below sing will may seemed wished ran were can are have play
Round 13: Name the helping verbs Answer: have, will, may, can
Face-Off Question 14:
Face-Off Question 14: Answer:
Round 14:
Round 14: Answer:
Face-Off Question 15:
Face-Off Question 15: Answer:
Round 15:
Round 15: Answer:
Face-Off Question 16:
Face-Off Question 16: Answer:
Round 16:
Round 16: Answer:
Face-Off Question 17: What do we call words that replace nouns?
Face-Off Question 17: What do we call words that replace nouns Face-Off Question 17: What do we call words that replace nouns? Answer: Pronouns
Round 17: What are the 3 types of pronouns?
Round 17: What are the 3 types of pronouns Round 17: What are the 3 types of pronouns? Answer: Subject pronoun Object pronoun Possessive pronoun
Face-Off Question 18: What pronouns are part of the subject of a sentence? They are used if they rename the subject, and follow to be verbs.
Face-Off Question 18: What pronouns are part of the subject of a sentence? Answer: Subject pronouns
Round 18: Name 4 subject pronouns
Round 18: Name 4 subject pronouns Answer: I, you, she, he, it, we, they
Face-Off Question 19: What part of speech describes a noun?
Face-Off Question 19: What part of speech describes a noun Face-Off Question 19: What part of speech describes a noun? Answer: adjective
Round 19: Name the 3 questions that an adjective can answer
Round 19: Name the 3 questions that an adjective can answer Answer: which one, what kind, how many
Face-Off Question 20: What is the special kind of adjective that is either definite or indefinite?
Face-Off Question 20: What is the special kind of adjective that is either definite or indefinite? Answer: article
Round 20: Name the 3 articles
Round 20: Name the 3 articles Answer: a, an, the
Face-Off Question 21: What part of speech modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb?
Face-Off Question 21: What part of speech modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb? Answer: adverb
Round 21: Name the 4 questions that an adverb can answer
Round 21: Name the 4 questions that an adverb can answer Answer: when, where, how, to what extent
Face-Off Question 22: What part of speech shows how a noun or pronoun relates to some other word in the sentence? Hint: The squirrel and the tree
Face-Off Question 22: What part of speech shows how a noun or pronoun relates to some other word in the sentence? Answer: Preposition
Round 22: Name 5 prepositions
Round 22: Name 5 prepositions Answer: about, above, behind, down, into, like, under, toward, over, with, since
Fast Money Question 1: What do we call the noun that a pronoun replaces?
Fast Money Question 1: What do we call the noun that a pronoun replaces? Answer: Antecedent
Fast Money Question 2: If the antecedent and the pronoun do not match in number, what do we say has happened?
Fast Money Question 2: If the antecedent and the pronoun do not match in number, what do we say has happened? Answer: Pronoun shift
Fast Money Question 3: This consists of a preposition and the object of the preposition (noun or pronoun), plus any words that modify
Fast Money Question 3: This consists of a preposition and the object of the preposition (noun or pronoun), plus any words that modify Answer: prepositional phrase