Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me. Redeem me from the oppression of man, that I may keep Your precepts. Make Your face shine upon Your servant, and teach me Your statutes. Rivers of water run down from my eyes, because men do not keep Your law. Psalms 119:133-136 NKJV
The Transfiguration of Jesus Luke 9:28-36 Pic of Mt. Hermon
The Transfiguration of Jesus The Context Jesus’ question, Peter’s answer v18-20 Jesus prepares them for His death v21-22 Jesus prepares them for their death v23-27 I. Context Lk. 9 A. Jesus’ question, Peter’s answer v18-20 B. Jesus prepares them for His death v21-22 which they did not understand, accept C. Jesus prepares them for their death v23-27 1. some will literally die because of this message 2. all must spiritually die to follow Him 3. some would live to see the kingdom of God present (Acts 2)
The Transfiguration of Jesus The Events v28-36 Jesus takes Peter, James, and John Jesus is changed (Mt. 17:1; Mk. 9:3) Jesus, Moses, and Elijah (Mt. 5:17; 7:12; Mt. 11:13; 22:40; 1 Pet. 1:10-12) Peter’s suggestion (Mk. 9:6) God’s reply (Mt. 17:5-8) Years later, Peter reflects 2 Pet. 1:16-18 II. The Events v28-38 A. Six full days later (eight, including two partial days). . . v28-36 B. Jesus took P, J, J (J&J are brothers) up on the mountain to pray but they fell asleep (v32) C. Jesus was trans (changed) figured (appearance) 1. Mt. 17:1 his face shone as the sun 2. Mk. 9:3 clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them. 3. v32b when they were fully awake they saw His glory a. Not a dream or vision b. Further revealed Jesus’ identity (Acts 7:55, throughout the OT connected with the LORD’s presence) D. Talking with Moses and Elijah 1. At least nine times in the NT law and prophets are mentioned, referring to the OT-- Moses is most identified with the “Law” and Elijah, beside Moses, is the most prominent prophet = Jesus is speaking with the two great spokesmen of the OT --- these are two faces would go on the Jewish “Mt Rushmore.” 2. Spoke of His death 2 Pet. 1:10-12 They questions of all the prophets were about to be answered. E. Peter’s suggestion 1. Obviously well-intended but driven by emotion (Mk. 9:6) and his habit of being quick to speak 2. Might produce division, as people chose their favorite prophet or who would oversee it 3. Would produce confusion, as Peter would later teach that they law was an unbearable yoke (Acts 15:10) 4. Would actually dishonor Jesus by honoring Moses, Elijah, and Him equally. F. God’s reply 1. Begins with a bright cloud (Mt. 17:5)—they became afraid knowing this was not mere nature (Mt. 17:6). 2. God does not say “Good idea Peter but only build one tabernacle”—He ignored that idea 3. This is My beloved Son Moses and Elijah were great, beloved prophets and, in one sense were sons of God but not in the same way that Jesus was His Son. 4. Hear Him Shouldn’t they hear Moses and Elijah? Hear Him and He will answer. 5. God implied that if you want to honor Jesus and please Him, don’t build a tabernacle—just Hear Him. 6. Mt. 17:7-8 G. Later Peter wrote of this emphasizing that Scr is not a book of myths or cultural tales (2 Pet. 1:16-18)
The Transfiguration of Jesus Lessons 1. Be convicted, not merely amazed Jn. 20:30-31; Mt. 28:18-19; 1 Cor. 1:2; Mt. 16:18 A. Jesus’ life full of unique events, evidence intended to cause more than interest and amazement—devotion. 1. Born of a virgin, at baptism Spirit descended and Father spoke, transfiguration, darkness at death, when He was raised so were others, etc...why? 2. Jn. 20:30-31 believers who have life (Jn. 12:42; Js. 2:19; Mk. 16:16 not all believers have life) 3. Mt. 28:18-19 disciples, followers who never stop learning and doing a. Heb. 5:12 not all continue having a hunger and thirst for righteousness, learning b. Heb. 10:29 not all continue doing what the Spirit of grace teaches (Ti. 2:11-12) 4. 1 Cor. 1:2 saints (holy), though not all continue in holiness (2 Thess. 3:14-15) 5. Mt. 16:18 to build His church which is composed of all the saved (believer, disciple, and saint)
The Transfiguration of Jesus Lessons 2. Dishonoring Jesus (not knowing what he said) God’s memorial of Jesus’ resurrection is to assemble on the first day of the week (Mk. 16:9; Acts 20:7; Rev. 1:10) “Easter is the principal feast of the ecclesiastical year.” ( “While the world uses Easter as a convenient excuse for a day of springtime fun, for the Church it is the center of the year…” ( B. Should the most significant days of Jesus’ life become a Christian festival? 1. The Jews had fasts and festivals to remember significant days and events a. God told them which events to remember and how to remember it b. Some events had no specific memorial and was remembered by the ongoing teaching of the text 2. Before we quickly answer, remember a lesson from Peter--he didn’t realize that honoring M&E alongside Jesus would actually dishonor Him, nor all the complications that would accompany (confusion, division). 3. God made a memorial of Jesus’ resurrection---the first day of the week a. “Where does the Bible say that?” It doesn’t—it implies it by i. the Gospels consistent use of fdow to identify the timing of Jesus’ resurrection + ii. Luke and Paul’s reference to this day in connection with activity of the churches (Acts 20:7; 1Cor. 16) iii. John’s use of the Lord’s Day The fdow is the only day given any significance in the new cov (Rev 1:10). b. God appointed a day of spiritual significance for all Christians (the one church) so may man declare i. Catholic Church: Easter is the principal feast of the ecclesiastical year. ( ii. Lutheran Church: While the world uses Easter as a convenient excuse for a day of springtime fun, for the Church it is the center of the year… ( iii. How can Easter be the principal day or center of the year, when it is not in the Bible? (A) Like Peter, many believe they are honoring Jesus (B) They have taken a day God did not put in Bible and made it more important than the day He did... (C) Even if Easter was viewed “equally as important as the Lord’s Day,” it would still dishonor God because it elevates man’s ideas alongside God’s. (D) what if I said “After the LS, let’s eat leavened bread in memory of Jesus’ resurr (b/c it rises)”? (I) One problem with that is that the only memorial meal God gave is LS (II) Also, there is already a memorial of Jesus’ resurr (LD)---can I improve what is done? 4. 1 Thess. 5:21 Peter thought his idea was good—it wasn’t. People think Easter is a good idea—it isn’t. These do not honor Jesus
The Transfiguration of Jesus Lessons 3. Hear Him - no longer the law of Moses Gal. 3:24-25 B. Hear Him 1. and no longer the law of Moses a. Gal. 3:24-25
The Transfiguration of Jesus Lessons 3. Hear Him - Psalm 119:129-136 B. Hear Him 2. Ps. 119 teaches us the value of hearing Him (v129-136 everywhere “word” is referenced = Hear Him) v129 hh is wonderful [explain to my children why it is wonderful] v130 hh gives light and understanding [study to understand] v131 I pant to hh [looking for opportunities to hh] v132 if we hh, God will... [thank God when I recognize what He is doing] v133 steps directed by hh [I take the extra mental step in reactions and decisions to hh] v134 seek to avoid hindrances from hearing Him [am I hindering my children from hh by what I permit?] v135 teach me to hh v136 when others do not hh, I do not feel elevated but sorrow, knowing where that leads them - When I view hh as the psalmist did Moses’ law, there will be indications of that every day [above]
The Transfiguration of Jesus Luke 9:28-36
“What Must I Do To Be Saved?” Hear The Gospel (Rom. 10:17) Believe In Christ (Jn. 8:24) Repent Of Sins (Acts 2:38) Confess Christ (Rom. 10:10) Be Baptized (Rom. 6:3-4) By Jjacobs, revised by DH For The Erring Child: Repent (Acts 8:22), Confess (1 Jn. 1:9), Pray (Acts 8:22)