IM data submission and database status 2015 Sirpa Kleemola, SYKE ICP IM Task Force meeting, Asker, Norway May 24-26, 2016
ICP IM network data submission for at least part of the ‘data period’ 2010–2014: Austria, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, the Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, and site on Crimean peninsula. Republic of Ireland re-established site IE01 in 2012 provided data just before the TF meeting. Switzerland will include a new site in 2016. Poland is preparing the data and will soon include one or more sites to the network. Total 41 sites from 14 countries. Canada, Latvia and United Kingdom have not reported data for recent years
Data reported in 2015/2016 For data year 2014 11 countries have reported 2014 data so far Austria, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, the Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden. Lithuania reported only vegetation data. Some sites/subprogrammes missing from above mentioned countries For details please see Draft Annual Report 2016
Data reporting in 2016 Deadline 1st of Dec 2016 for 2015 values No changes in reporting formats Some changes to biological data reporting done in 2010, raw data, not averages, examples and reporting guidelines available For new Input programme data per area+subprogramme, e.g. FI01_RW_2014.txt or FI01_RW_2014.xls
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