Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine Transition Year Programme An Overview Parents Information Session TY Coordinator Mairéad Clifford Tuesday March 13th 2018
What is Transition Year? A one year school based programme Facilitates a smoother transition between Junior and Senior Cycle Encourages personal and social development Recognises the need for students to grow in independence Fosters academic achievement Helps students prepare for Leaving Cert and working life
Applications for Transition Year JC3 students got this presentation this week. Please take time to consider the option of Transition Year before making your final decision.
Don’t rule it out because your friends aren’t doing it! Why do TY? Don’t rule it out because your friends aren’t doing it! Think for yourself – what do I want, what do I think I could contribute, what do I think I could gain?
You will only get out what you put in Be Active! Get Involved You will only get out what you put in
Who should do TY Someone who is positive and interested and who wants to gain additional skills Someone who wants a chance to build up their CV Someone who wants to become more confident, mature and independent Someone who is willing to get involved in group activities and project work Someone who missed out academically in Junior Cycle Someone who is still unsure of what they want to do in the future and wants time to decide
Some Benefits to students New friendships – teamwork/shared experiences Try new things/hobbies Time to research LC subjects and careers Work Experience- very valuable Older going to college A very full CV A year to grow up T.Y. Students do better by an average of 30 – 40 points
Selection Process – 3 steps Attitude and Behaviour Record Complimentary Sheets, Detentions, Incident Sheets, Attendance, Participation Application Form Students and parents involved, motivation Interview Why TY for you? What will you gain? What do you expect to gain?
What is on the timetable 2 hours English Irish Maths Science Geography Enterprise Computers French Opportunities I hour Music Media Art Home Ec. Engineering Woodwork Social Studies History SPHE P.E.
Opportunties Pottery Chinese Fundraising Carol Singing Road Safety Musical Work Homeopathy Coding Youth Connect Driver Education Day First Aid - Full day KDYS Training 5K Mindfulness Water safety Talk
Activities Work Experience - 2 weeks Careers Night Survivor Course -1 week School Tour in Ireland School Musical Kickboxing Gym School Bank, Gaisce Bronze Award Careers Night Workshops Food waste management Film festival Apprentice Chef Green Business Survey
Trips Geography Field Trip College Visits Short film Competition Buddist Centre Zeminar Ice Skating Torc Waterfall AXA RSA in INEC Apprentice Chef Ploughing Championships
Community Work Halloween Howl 121 Digital Get fit program with National School Tidy towns
Parents – How can you help Understand importance of school attendance – it is vital for overall success of the programme All school rules still apply. Encourage your child to avail of the learning opportunities provided Show interest in her projects & activities – question Share with us your skills and ideas
Assessment Portfolio/ Interview - 150 credits Work Experience - 50 credits Course Work - 360 credits Opportunities – 40 credits
End of year Certification Certificate of Excellence Certificate of Distinction Certificate of Merit Certificate of Participation Certificates awarded on graduation night and portfolios available for parent viewing.
TY 2016 / 17
Payment Schedule Total €1100 Initial Deposit of €200 in May 3 monthly payments of €200 September October November 2 monthly payments of €150 February March
Costs16 / 17 Cappanalea €250 Tour in Ireland €350 TY Top €50 Pottery €27 Ploughing €35 TY Expo €40 First Aid €25 Drivers Ed €25 Mindfulness €22 Homeopathy €18 P.E. €75 Gaisce €15 Geo trip €25 Chinese €13
Student /Parent Evaluation 2017 Would you recommend TY? More mature, independent, confidence, kinder, more helpful, amazing memories, focused, friendships What part of the year did you most enjoy? Musical, Buddhist Centre, Cappanalea, Charity work What part of the year was most beneficial? Work Experience, Drivers Ed, Guest speakers, First Aid What did you least enjoy? Pressure from teachers, portfolio, credits.