Unit 3 Labo-langue Adjectives Present tense Present tense, être (to be) and avoir (to have)
Adjectives Unit 3: Labo-langue An adjective describes a noun. An adjective has to agree with its noun. Most feminine adjectives end in -e. Most masculine plural adjectives end in -s. Most feminine plural adjectives end in -es. masculine singular feminine singular masculine plural feminine plural un chien une tortue deux chiens deux tortues noir noire noirs noires Some adjectives follow a slightly different pattern. blanc blanche blancs blanches jaune jaunes gris grise grises violet violette violets violettes Some adjectives, called invariable, never change: des tortues orange, des lapins marron © Oxford University Press 2014
Present tense Unit 3: Labo-langue Most verbs that end in -er follow the pattern shown with aimer. These are called regular -er verbs. Aller doesn’t follow that pattern. It is called an irregular verb. aimer aller j’aime je vais tu aimes tu vas il/elle/on aime il/elle/on va Faire is another common irregular verb: je fais. To add detail to your work, talk about other people using the il/elle (he/she) form of the verb. © Oxford University Press 2014
Present tense, être (to be) and avoir (to have) Unit 3: Labo-langue Present tense, être (to be) and avoir (to have) être (to be) avoir (to have) je suis I am j’ai I have tu es you are tu as you have il/elle est on est he/she is we are il/elle a on a he/she has we have nous sommes nous avons vous êtes vous avez ils/elles sont they are ils/elles ont they have © Oxford University Press 2014