COST ES0803 4th MCM: Brugge, November 16-18, 2010 Marketing of Space Weather Products and Services In the frame o f SG 2.2: Market segmentation including cartography and users requirements Iwona Stanisławska
COST ES0803 4th MCM: Brugge, November 16-18, 2010 Marketing of Space Weather Products and Services The Segments (selected targets for space weather products) were selected. Questionaire for: navigation, telecommunication, security, satellite operators, airlines (operations, engineering). Top-down & bo t t o m-up approach was used to estimate the usefulnes s of Space W eather products (spatial questionna ire was prepared and distributed - answers are still collected). The Cost Benefit Anal y sis (CBA) with respect to Space Weather Product/Market Segment Target (SW/MT) is under preparation.
COST ES0803 4th MCM: Brugge, November 16-18, 2010 EU Market for Space Weather Products and Services EU Flagship projects: GALILEO Integrated Applic a tion Promotions TELECOM M UNICATION SSA
COST ES0803 4th MCM: Brugge, November 16-18, 2010 Marketing of Space Weather Products and Services Integrated Application Promotion Seminar organized in cooperation with ESPI; December 1st, 2010 Warsaw Crisis management applications Security related telecommunication systems
COST ES0803 4th MCM: Brugge, November 16-18, 2010 Marketing of Space Weather Products and Services Operational ionospheric model as a component of SSA physical layer
COST ES0803 4th MCM: Brugge, November 16-18, 2010 The operational SSA ionospheric services Monitoring and characteri sa tion of the ionospheric parameters relevant to space related system operation Access to actual ionospheric information for operational respond to mitigate space effect on the system involved
COST ES0803 4th MCM: Brugge, November 16-18, 2010 The operational SSA ionospheric services (cont.) Assess and predict the effects of man-made modification of the ionospheric conditions (electromagnetically or by nuclear detonation, plasma releases) on space systems Evaluation of selected ionospheric factors (like scintillations) for Positioning – aided accuracy
COST ES0803 4th MCM: Brugge, November 16-18, 2010 Space Weather services for SSA N. Bobrinsky PECS, 27 th May 2009 Spacecraft and payload operations radiation protection Thermosphere modelling for spacecraft drag calculation Launcher radiation protection for operations Space environment modelling for spacecraft design Human space flight radiation protection Ionospheric interference for navigation satellite signals Space environment modelling for SSA survey and tracking
COST ES0803 4th MCM: Brugge, November 16-18, 2010 The Cost Benefit Anal y sis(CBA) with respect to Space Weather Products POSTGRADUATE STUDIES FULL TIME AND EXTRAMURAL the University of Zielona Góra Department of Security at Faculty of Management and Economics Subject area: Management SPACE MARKETING SYLLABUS 2010/11 POSTGRADUATE STUDIES FULL TIME AND EXTRAMURAL ZIELONA GÓRA 3 Diploma works in preparation
COST ES0803 4th MCM: Brugge, November 16-18, 2010