Phylum Chordata
Phylum Chordata common characteristics segmented muscles ventral heart complete digestive system Five defining chordate characteristics pharyngeal gill slits dorsal, hollow nerve cord post anal tail endostyle/thyroid gland notochord
Body Structure pharyngeal slits & atriopore Notochord with myomeres post-anal tail dorsal, hollow nerve cord
Subphylum Urochordata (Tunicates) “tail string” all are filter feeders sessile & pelagic; solitary & colonial tadpole-like larva Adult Larva
Three Classes Ascidiacea Larvacea Thaliacea
Class Ascidiacea “sea squirts” u-shaped gut, with incurrent oral and excurrent atrial siphons large central chamber (atrium)
Larval Ascidean
Class Thaliacea
Class Larvacea
Subphylum Cephalochordata “head string” Lancelets (Amphioxus) burrow into sand & shell gravels filter feeders
Closed Circulatory System flow pattern similar to fishes no “heart” peristaltic contractions of blood vessels
Filter Feeders
larval notochord replaced by vertebral column in adults Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata larval notochord replaced by vertebral column in adults dorsal nerve cord pharyngeal gill slits
Trends in Vertebrate Evolution Living Endoskeleton Pharynx and Efficient Respiration Advanced Nervous System Paired Limbs
Early Chordata Fossils Pikaia Resembles Amphioxus Distinct notochord Chevron shaped muscle