Welcome! 5th Grade Curriculum Night
Refer to handout for the complete list of rules.. Next Steps-Playbook 20 Refer to handout for the complete list of rules.. Should Do Should Do’s are rules that students should follow in order to go the extra mile. An example of a Should Do is “Always say ‘thank you’ when you are given something.” Students who are seen following a Should Do without being asked can earn House Points for their House. Must Do Must Do’s are rules that students are expected to follow at all times, in all areas of the school. An example of a Must Do is “When we are in transition from one subject to another, the change will be swift, quiet, and orderly.” Students who are not adhering to the Must Do’s will follow the “3 strikes” system implemented by their teacher. Karaoke Fridays is a once a month reward. 2 students from each class earn the opportunity to perform during lunch.
Field Trips! Camp Hanes-$50.00 Liberty Walk-$2.00 November 4-6th, 2015 Liberty Walk-$2.00 TBA-During How We Organize Ourselves Unit Washington D.C.-$380.00 March 22-24th, 2016
Grading, homework, communication, and curriculum Academics Grading, homework, communication, and curriculum
Grading Policy 10 Point Scale Formal and Informal Assignments B: 89-80 C:79-70 D: 69-60 F: <59 Formal and Informal Assignments Only Formal assessments are eligible for retesting A grade of 79% will indicate mastery. Any Formal assignment scored below a 79% is eligible for retesting. Upon retesting the highest possible score is a 79%
Homework Expectations Small nightly math homework assignments Reading and Reading Response Assignment Projects with extended due dates Reading Logs are submitted online as are many other assignments. Students should utilize their agendas to manage their time.
Weekly communication on events and information from school. Cougar Folders Weekly communication on events and information from school. Folders come home Monday and should be returned Tuesday. Agenda/Email Teachers will communicate with parents as needed via notes in the agenda or email.
Volunteering Signed up last year? Must log back in and change something to re-verify your account. Never signed up before? Visit cmsvolunteers.com to sign up Examples of Volunteer Opportunities: Tutoring Participation in “in-class” activities Field trips
What will 5th graders study? Curriculum What will 5th graders study?
Math Math is organized into 6 week cycles. At the end of each cycle students will take a CMS prepared assessment to demonstrate mastery. Cycle 1-Multiplication and Division Strategies, Order of Operations Cycle 2-Volume and Fractions Operations Cycle 3-Fractions Operations (cont.) Cycle 4-Operations with Decimals, Review of Place Value Cycle 5- Converting and Using Measurements, and Geometry Cycle 6- Year End Review
IB Units of Inquiry Where We Are in Place and Time (Native Americans & Explorers) How the World Works (Forces & Motion) How We Organize Ourselves (Revolutionary War) EXHIBITION = Who We Are (Human Body Systems) Sharing the Planet (Civil War) How We Express Ourselves (Cultural Narratives)
Science Science topics include: Scientific Inquiry Forces and Motion Matter: Properties and Change Energy: Conservation and Transfer Earth Systems, Structures and Processes (Weather) Ecosystems Structures and Functions of Living Organisms (Body Systems/ Exhibition) Evolution and Genetics
Social Studies Social Studies is heavily integrated with our IB Units of study Geography American Indians European Explorers The American Revolution Government Structure The Civil War Reconstruction Financial Literacy
Literacy Literacy is organized into units of focus. 5th grade teachers use teaching points to build comprehension while integrating science and social studies topics. Unit 1: Agency and Independence Unit 2: Reading High Interest Informational & Literary Nonfiction Unit 3: Learning Through Reading Westward Expansion Unit 4: Historical Fiction Book Clubs and Informational Reading Unit 5: Nonfiction Research Projects Unit 6: Fantasy Book Clubs Unit 7: Test Preparation Unit 8: Social Issues Book Clubs Unit 9: Author Studies
Writing Writing is organized into units of focus. 5th grade teachers teach writing using the writing process and by having students extend their understanding of reading by writing. Unit 1: Narrative Craft Unit 2: Research Reports Unit 3: Research-Based Argument Essays Unit 4: Literary and Comparative Essays Unit 5: From Essays to Narratives to Memoirs Unit 6: Authoring an Independent Writing Life
THANKS! Ms. Allen Miss DeBerry Mrs. Houston Mrs. McWhirter Ms. Sparrow
Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photographs by Unsplash Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photographs by Unsplash