WNG SC Closing Report IEEE 802.11, St Louis, MO March 11-15 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/423r1 July 2001 March, 2002 WNG SC Closing Report IEEE 802.11, St Louis, MO March 11-15 T. K. Tan, Bruce Kraemer TK Tan, Bruce Kraemer Al Petrick, Direct2Data Technologies
WNG SC Agenda Tuesday Wednesday Thursday March, 2002 WNG SC Agenda Tuesday Updates (ETSI BRAN, MMAC, IAG) Presentation/Discussion (HDR extension to 802.11a) Call for participation for more submissions on HDR extension to 802.11a Wednesday Presentation/Discussion (HDR extension to 802.11) 3G-WLAN Interworking Market requirements and usage scenarios Thursday Joint regulatory meeting Presentation – radio resource measurements Motions discussion and decision TK Tan, Bruce Kraemer
March Submissions 11-02-232r0-WNG-Extended Data Rate 802.11a.ppt 11-02-183r0-WNG Single Burst Contention Resolution.ppt 11-02-159r1-WNG-System_capacity_and_Cell_Radius_Comparison_with several_high_data_rate_WLANs.ppt 11-02-138r0-Throughput_Analysis_for_IEEE_802-11a_Higher Data Rates 11-02-149r0-WNG-Global_Area_Network_(GAN)_Concept.ppt 11-02-234r0-WNG BRAN27-5GHz Adhoc group report.ppt 11-02-182r0-WNG-Home_Networking_Requirements _& _Aspects.ppt 11-02-242r0-Co-operation_towards_WLAN_–_3G_&_Public_Interworking 11-02-180r0-WNG-On the use of multiple antennae for 802.11 .ppt 11-01-668r2-W-Multihop-Networking.ppt 11-02-252r0-WNG-Suggested_Criteria_for_High_Throughput_Extensions.ppt 11-02-240r0 WNG - UWB .ppt 11-02-238r0 WNG IAG Report.ppt TK Tan, Bruce Kraemer
WNG SC Objectives – Sydney, Australia, March, 2002 WNG SC Objectives – Sydney, Australia, Review updates from previous ETSI BRAN #28, 3G-WLAN interworking and IAG meetings Continue discussion on HDR extension to 802.11 WLAN integration with Mobile networks Requirements for Next Generation WLANs and their implications on the standardization process 802.11 radio resource measurements Prepare for IEEE interim in July, ETSI BRAN & other interim meetings as needed TK Tan, Bruce Kraemer
March, 2002 2 Motions Move that the WNG Standing Committee request the 802.11 WG to form a liaison with CableLabs for the purpose of coordinating the use of 802.11 WLANs in DOCSIS cable modem systems WNG SC Passes: 64/0/4 Move that the WNG Standing Committee requests the 802.11 WG to accept the invitation from ETSI BRAN and MMAC to participate in the “WLAN – 3G and other Public Access networks interworking” project WNG SC Passes 59/0/14. TK Tan, Bruce Kraemer
March, 2002 Questions? TK Tan, Bruce Kraemer