5-8 Year Old Baseball Mechanics 1 Umpire Mechanics Pause – Read - React Position Hustle
Basic Points Responsible for ALL fair-foul calls Working area Responsible for ALL fly balls Be ready to move to the “working area” to get the best view of the play Always face the batter
Field Coach can pitch anywhere ON the line Coach cannot be in the circle C Foul ball Arc Treat as a regular FOUL line Coach exits to the 3rd base side and is responsible to remove the bat, NOT the umpire.
Starting Position U B U B Umpire always faces the batter
Ball to the Infield Umpire goes to “working area” C Coach exits to the 3rd base side Umpire will allow the runner to clear before heading to the “working area” U B
Ball to the Outfield Umpire goes to “working area” C Coach exits to the 3rd base side U
Ball to the Outfield Umpire goes to “working area” C Coach exits to the 3rd base side U
5-8 Year Old Baseball Mechanics Always face the batter Move to the “working area” Move the game along Have fun