Weather and Climate. Meteorologists – study weather Information in their weather reports include Temperature Type & amount of precipitation Wind speed.


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Presentation transcript:

Weather and Climate

Meteorologists – study weather Information in their weather reports include Temperature Type & amount of precipitation Wind speed Relative humidity Atmospheric pressure Presence of fog, mist, or cloud cover weather network forcast for Sarnia, Onweather network forcast

Weather vs Climate Weather vs Climate Atmospheric conditions including temperature, wind, precipitation and humidity over a short period of time ( a day or a week) Meteorologists use weather balloons, satellites, aircraft and weather stations to predict weather by collecting data Range of weather in a region over a long period of time Climatologists collect data over 30 years or more & average results to determine regional climates

Interactions between water, air and the suns energy cause weather Climate in a region determines the types of plants & animals that live there Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get Robert Heinlein Nasa climate vs weather clip

Classifying Climate Originally Earth was separated into climate zones based on temperature, precipitation & plant communities but, more detailed ecoregions were developed Ecoregions are based on landforms, soil, plants, animals, urban centres & climate there are 867 different ecoregions on Earth Canada has its own system of mapping ecoregions and we call them ecozones

Bioclimate profiles Are graphs that show temperature & moisture conditions in an area Show current & future projections

Factors Affecting Climate Latitude (distance from the equator) Presence of large bodies of water Presence of ocean or air currents Land formations Altitude (height above sea level)