Artist Inspiration Digital “Roll” #1
Requirements Select one of the artists we have studied in our previous sketchbook assignments (Andy Goldsworthy, Ansel Adams, Margaret Bourke-White, OR Dorothea Lange) and take at least 16-25 images in that artist’s style. Save your images to your “Digital Roll 1” folder on your network folder. Create a digital collage on Pixlr following the directions on my website (select the 16 image or 25 image collage layoutdepending on how many pictures you took): Save your digital contact sheet as LastName_FirstInitial_DigitalRoll1_CS.jpg in your “Digital Roll 1” folder on the network. Print your digital contact sheet (BE SURE TO SET THE PRINTER TO BLACK & WHITE/GRAYSCALE!). Write your name at the top and submit this by the due date. Select your top 3 best images from this series and edit them using Pixlr, Photoshop, or any other photo editing software: make adjustments to color/contrast/etc., add filters, create multiple layers, etc.-you choose!
Andy Goldsworthy Key characteristics Creates site-specific land art arranges items found in nature and photographs them on-site Uses organic and geometric shapes, pattern and emphasis
Ansel Adams Key characteristics Known for his landscape photography Worked in black and white only (can take the pictures in color and then edit them to be black and white on the computer
Margaret Bourke-White Key characteristics Photojournalism (telling a story with photographs: conveying the truth and providing information) Known for WWII and depression era photography
Dorothea Lange Key characteristics Photojournalism (telling a story with photographs: conveying the truth and providing information) humanized the consequences of the Great Depression and influenced the development of documentary photography
Suggestions Use your selected photographers style, lighting, technique, subject matter, color technique, cropping, etc.