Kingsway Infant School


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Kingsway Infant School Your weekly guide to life at Kingsway Infant School Best School in East of England for Pupil Premium 37 -------------------------------------------------------------- 10th July 2015---------------- Head Teacher Awards – Well Done to ………… Marcus in White class for his descriptive story and Brooke in Yellow class for her super sportsmanship! Deputy Head Teacher Awards – Well Done to ………… Jessica G in Purple class for her super dragon work. Year 2 – Lego Education Year 2 were very excited to be using the Lego Education resources this week. Working in groups of two or three the children were given complete freedom to create their own scene. They all had brilliant ideas! The children will now be writing a story based on the Lego scene they made. DIARY DATES SUMMER TERM 2015 Wednesday 15th July Open Evening &Yr2 Show 5.00-7.00pm TERM ENDS Friday 17th July at 1.30 pm Monday 20th & Tuesday 21st July INSET DAYS – School closed for children Wednesday 22nd July Occasional day holiday – School Closed AUTUMN TERM 2015 Wednesday 2nd September INSET Day – School Closed for Children Thursday 3rd September Autumn Term Starts for Children 8.55 am HALF TERM Mon 26th – Fri 30th October Friday 18th December at 1.30pm Year 1 – Andy Goldsworthy Year 1 have been studying and creating art in the style of the artist Andy Goldsworthy, he uses natural materials such as leaves, wood, clay, stones etc. to create art forms. Working in small groups the children sketched their own design on paper before collecting natural materials from the school grounds to use to create their own art form. I think you will agree they were very creative. Reception – Making Postcards Reception have been talking about holidays this week. They have discussed how they get to and from their holidays which links in with their topic on transport. In Art and Design the children designed and made their own postcard using a variety of different materials. follow us @kingswayInfants Reminder – Term ends next Friday at 1.30 p.m. Autumn term starts for the children on Thursday 3rd September at 8.55 a.m.

LOST PROPERTY Sports Day The Lost Property Box is overflowing! Thank you to Miss Dunderdale for doing such a superb job of organising our sports day again this year. We had a lovely morning and the children heartily joined in events such as target throw, long jump, egg and spoon race and speed stacking! The support from staff, family and friends really encouraged them, thank you also to the year 5 children who came over rom the junior school to help. I am sure you were as proud of how well behaved and polite the children were as I was. I hope you enjoyed the dance routines which were organised by Miss Coles – thank you Miss Coles for all your hard work throughout the year. The results were:- MILK ORDER It was the last day for milk orders today – but if you have forgotten to send yours in we can accept orders with payment on Monday 1st 2nd 3rd Turkey Brazil England BEAT THE STREET Lucy from Orange Class has won the ‘Lucky Tap’ prize this week – she receives an exclusive online copy of Animals and You. We have 27,570 team points – keep tapping the boxes! Class Organisation 2015-2016 Current Class WHITE PURPLE RED ORANGE Moving to YELLOW GREEN BLUE Teacher & Teaching Assistant Miss Hussain & Mrs Rowles Mrs Powley Mrs Knights Miss Macdonald Mrs Rogers Mrs Whittaker Mrs Gibbings Mrs Burke Miss Dunderdale Mrs De Sousa Mrs Hanke LOST PROPERTY The Lost Property Box is overflowing! Please come and claim your items. All items without a name will be disposed of at the end of term – Friday 17th July 2015 The new reception children will be taught in Red Class by Mrs Glaysher with Mrs Hedges and Mrs Fletcher and Orange Class by Mrs Toombs with Mrs Burroughs, Mrs Warden and Mrs Fletcher. We will be saying goodbye to Miss Bonnar and Ms Mannering at the end of term and would like to thank them both for all their hard work whilst at Kingsway Infant School and send them our best wishes for the future. Chair of Governors Our Chair of Governors, Julia Green, attended her last Governor Meeting at Kingsway Infant School this week. We would like to thank Julia for all her work on behalf of this school. Julia was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the staff and Governors and we would like to wish her and her family well for the future. Attendance Attendance for week beginning 29th June 2015 – Orange Class won the attendance cup - again! Late arrivals will be marked as unauthorised absence. If you arrive late, after 8.55 am, it is important to sign your child in at the school office. Letters Sent Out This Week Nursery Admissions Survey Beat the Street News Art Club Year 1 – Rec only Yr 2 Ukulele Letter -Yr 1 only Yr 2 Piano Letter -Yr 1 only School Meal Letter – Yr1 & Rec only ORANGE 99.2% RED 92.6% GREEN 97.2% YELLOW 93.1% PURPLE 98.9% BLUE 92.3% White 91.9% Excellent Orange Class! Would you like to wave a magic wand? What do you think?