3rd Grade Art Project Northwood Elementary Art Docent Program Still Life Drawing Presentation modified and prepared by Alice Finch 2016 3rd Grade Art Project Northwood Elementary Art Docent Program
Pitcher and Fruit by Paul Cezanne Here are some famous examples of Still Life paintings… This was painted in 1894. It is Oil on canvas. (Private Collection aka not owned by a museum) Pitcher and Fruit by Paul Cezanne
Attributes of Music by Anne Vallayer-Coster Anne was a French Painter who lived from 1744-1818. She lived in Paris and painted this in 1770 Attributes of Music by Anne Vallayer-Coster
Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh This one of Van Gogh’s most famous paintings! He painted it in 1889 and it resides in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Dishes and Fruit by Henri Matisse Matisse painted this in 1901 Dishes and Fruit by Henri Matisse
Today’s Project Still life drawing Draw objects using simple shapes What does still life mean? Draw objects using simple shapes An orange is a circle Still Life: A painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects (inanimate), typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware.
Step 1 - Name Write your name on the back of your paper
Step 2 – Observe what is in front of you What are the objects made of? circles Rectangles Dark Light Proportions- How wide are scissors compared to a cup? Where do objects overlap?
Step 3 – Practice Drawing On Scratch paper, draw the simple shapes of your objects using pencil Draw them BIG- fill the page This is practice so try again if it isn’t quite right When you have a practice draft that fills the page, then move on to your final paper
Step 4 – Final Pencil & Shading Move to your thick Watercolor Paper Draw your objects using simple shapes. It is ok to make correction lines Add shading What direction is the light coming from? What side of the objects is in the light? What is in shadow? Shading should be added lightly
Step 5 – Watercolor pencils Use a different color for each object Color the edges of your object with watercolor pencils Try it out on the shaded side first Dip finger in water and pull the color across the object You can add more pencil even after it is damp on the page