The Effects of Gravity on Seedlings Geotropism
How does gravity affect root and stem growth in bean seeds? Problem: How does gravity affect root and stem growth in bean seeds?
If bean seeds are planted in different directions, Hypothesis: (If…, then… statement) If bean seeds are planted in different directions, then gravity will cause the stems to grow ____ and the roots to grow ____.
Materials: (List in columns)
Procedure: (Number the steps)
(Draw a picture of before and after growth begins) Data: (Draw a picture of before and after growth begins) Before Corn seeds Paper towel
After Corn seeds Paper towel (Draw the roots and stems also)
Conclusion: (Write a paragraph with complete sentences. Order of sentences: 1. Accept or reject the hypothesis. 2. Restate the hypothesis. 3. Answer the problem. 4. Summarize the data. Use part of the explanation from yesterday’s reading to explain what happened. 5. Make a new hypothesis (if you rejected.)