Mr. PIMP (Personalized Intelligent Mating Prototype) EEL5666C IMDL Date: 02/02/06 Mr. PIMP (Personalized Intelligent Mating Prototype) William Otto Goethals 11/14/2018
Summary of Talk Problem: To design a robot that finds girls and is able to obtain information through speech. Goals: To learn specifics of voice recognition in a micro controlled robot, and a few girls’ numbers. Approach: Concurrent designing of voice systems during construction of robot systems. Completed: Voice training, parts acquired. Results: Better equipment might be required. Future plans: Integrate basic systems, design signal processing. 11/14/2018
Introduction Mr. Pimp must find people and then talk to them and obtain phone numbers. The robot must be able to listen and determine speaker independent speech. Several chips are presently available for speaker dependent speech. Mr. Pimp must allow for multiple functions without interference to the speech system. 11/14/2018
Mr. Pimp’s Soul Sensor Range Function Location 1 SR-07 2 inches Computer: MAVRIC-IIB micro-controllers Language: C programming in AVR studio Main Sensor: SR-07 Voice Recognition Unit Sensor Range Function Location 1 SR-07 2 inches Voice Recognition u-phone on torso 2 Sonic SRF05 3cm - 4m Object detection Front of robot 3 Bump Sensor Contact Sides of Robot 4 Pyro Electro Untested Human Detection Highest point 5 Keypad Number acquisition Robot Torso Actuation: Gear Head Motors 12vdc 50:1 T, 6mm shaft Behaviors: Object avoidance, human detection and data acquisition via speech. Function: Find girls, get their numbers, and bring back to me. 11/14/2018
Voice Systems Training SR-07 Using Voice Direct 364 system 40 vocabulary speaker dependent, train each word 4 times for speaker independence. The range for the present microphone is 1 inch, and speaker independence results are not promising. Using Voice Direct 364 system Using this system to initiate speech and request command words from each encountered human provides speech recognition. Use band pass filter Fundamental frequencies 120Hz for men, 210Hz for women. Using a comparator to create a basic test for gender. 11/14/2018
Conclusions Final testing on the voice system needs to occur this weekend. Complete training and debugging of SR-07 unit for use. Design of band pass filters for testing and feasibility. Integration of SR-07 unit in the MAVRIC-IIB. 11/14/2018
Future Work Future Work: The board needs to be interfaced with sonar, keypad, and SR-07 unit this week. 11/14/2018