Surface Meteorological charts Maps of sea-level pressure
Surface weather chart for 3 January 2007 (UK Met Office) 1° lat = 111 km
Salient features 1 Map shows sea-level pressure. Over land the measured pressure is adjusted to what it would be at sea level.
Salient features 1 Map shows sea-level pressure. Over land the measured pressure is adjusted to what it would be at sea level. Surface pressure pattern dominated by highs and lows, on a scale ~ 103 km. We call this the synoptic scale
Salient features 2 Isobars give an indication of the wind speed by the geostrophic relation: wind tends to flow along isobars and its strength is proportional to pressure gradient
Salient features 2 Isobars give an indication of the wind speed by the geostrophic relation: wind tends to flow along isobars and its strength is proportional to pressure gradient Pressure excursions around ± 30 mb – much smaller than the total pressure of ~1000 mb. Pressure is the weight of air above you
Time scale 00 h 3/1/07 Weather system takes ~ 1 day to pass over the UK – so synoptic timescale is around a day (105 s) 00 h 4/1/07
Fronts: areas of cloud and rain AVHRR IR image 2317 2/1/07
Cold and warm fronts Motion of front Warm air Cold Air Warm air Cold front: narrow (~100 km), steep, can get line convection particularly on leading edge Warm front: broad (~300 km), layer cloud due to gentle upglide. Convection unusual.
Occluded front Warm air Cold, unstable air Cold, stable air