June GATE Equity Webinar Planning for Equity with Data


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Presentation transcript:

June GATE Equity Webinar Planning for Equity with Data Thank you for joining us for the June GATE Equity Webinar. Where we explore topics related to equity in graduation success. This webinar is being recorded and the video will be posted with captions later this month, so stay tuned for recordings. The PowerPoint is posted under today’s date in the archive section GATE Equity Webinar page on OSPI’s website if you want to follow along. Also, we’d like to ask that you direct the questions you want us to answer in the Q&A not the chat, so we can more easily monitor and respond to you. Chat is more for your own commentary. Thank you! Today’s topic is Planning for Equity with Data. This topic was chosen because data is a road to equity. By looking at the numbers you have a clear understanding of who is struggling and you get an opportunity to help. This work closes gaps and at OSPI we think it is important enough to bring you a data tool to help with this ongoing work. Exploring topics related to equity in graduation success

Who Are We? Kefi Andersen Graduation Equity Program Supervisor OSPI Susan Canaga Office of System and School Improvement Director of Data Todd Johnson Program Director Center for Research & Data Analysis ESD 113 Joanne Johnson Curriculum Coordinator, Teaching and Learning ESD 189 I’m Kefi Andersen, OSPI Graduation Equity Program Supervisor. I’m joined today by Susan Canaga, Office of System and School Improvement Director of Data, who has been heavily involved in the creation of the Washington School Improvement Framework (WSIF). I also have Todd Johnson, ESD 113’s ____________, who helps schools respond to data with a systems view. Our third guest today is ???? From ESD ???? Who works on …. Thanks for making today possible. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

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Today’s Topics Inquiry Mindset A data tool you can use ESD 113 and ESD 189 strategies for root cause analysis Our goals for today are to get you familiar with the parts of having an Inquiry Mindset. Get a look at a great data tool you can use with the help of your ESD, and get some practical advice on what using the data tool looks like in real life. We’ll also give you some resources to help you along the way. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Questions & Polling Which data tools do you use? Check all that apply. WSIF Report Card Student Information System (SIS) such as Skyward Healthy Youth Survey Other We are going to start the webinar with a polling question. Which data tools do you use? Check all that apply. WSIF, Report Card, Student Information System, such as Skyward, Healthy Youth Survey, or other. If you have an other, use the questions box to tell us what you think. Also, feel free to type in the questions box any questions you have for our awesome presenters. And we’ll try to get your questions answered. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Analyzing Data and Planning to Close the Gaps

How can we effectively use Essential Question 1 How can we effectively use data and information for continuous school improvement and to reduce persistent opportunity gaps? OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Essential Question 2: Data Story What is the story the data are telling us? OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Appreciative Thinking Habits of a Systems Thinker Inquiry Mindset Appreciative Thinking Habits of a Systems Thinker Ladder of Inference Cycle of Inquiry Inquiry Mindset OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Appreciative Inquiry Strength-based change…focus on what is working right, connect to it, and inspire action for change Appreciative Inquiry (AI) was pioneered in the 1980s by David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva, two professors at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. Learn More About Appreciative Inquiry

Systems Thinking Ways of thinking about how systems work and how actions taken can impact results seen over time. Learn More About Systems Thinking OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Ladder of Inference Impulsive Action Speculation Assumption Fact Let’s revamp our 9 -12th grade Math curriculum Impulsive Action Speculation What if we revamped our 11th grade math curriculum? We obviously don’t have the right focus in our 11th grade Math curriculum Assumption Fact: Observable “data” and experiences. I select “data” from what I observe Assumption: I add meanings (cultural and personal)—and interpret the selective data by explaining what it means in my context. I make assumptions based on the meanings. Speculation: I draw conclusions and make inferences. Impulsive Action: I take actions based on my beliefs. IMPORTANT to be inquiry minded and seek to better understand what the data is telling us….AND to be Systems focused. Refer to the handout in your folder, “Habits of a System Thinker.” 70% of our 11th graders scored below proficient on the statewide Math assessment Fact 11/14/2018 Adapted from the 5th Discipline Fieldbook, Peter Senge, 1994

Getting Started Accessing the Data Toolkit: OSPI Home Page, Office of System and School Improvement (OSSI) Lower left corner Study Cycle of Inquiry – Data Toolkit Or the direct link: http://k12.wa.us/CEDARS/Data/Toolkit.aspx Are you inquiry focused? Then let’s get started with the Cycle of Inquiry… The steps can be accessed at any point in the process depending on your readiness and your needs. Access the toolkit on the OSPI website…from the OSSI – “Study” page or use the direct link. Each “chapter” can be accessed individually. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Getting Ready Capacity to analyze and use data Current status of data usefulness Chapter 1: Getting Ready So here we see all the steps. I’ve prepared some very high level statements to give you a feel for the step. But the link to the step…or chapter…is provided to access the rich and comprehensive resource. So for the first step, “Getting Ready”, you need to determine capacity. It is important to also consider skill level and who needs to be engaged in the analysis and conclusions…and their availability. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Tactical and Strategic Data Collection in Education Time Annual Bi-Annual Monthly Weekly Daily Teacher/ Grade Lvl School District School Brd OSPI/ESD State/Leg/Policy Federal Gov Counselor Dept. Tactical Strategic Student Information System (SIS) K-12 Warehouse / CEDARS As a problem is identified, then think about the what data can be gathered to better inform decision making. Different type data is collected and reported for different uses—tactical and strategic, by different roles, and at different internals. Data Dimensions: Timely, Accurate, Actionable OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Bottom Up Accountability Intention vs. Impact Strategic Tactical Bottom Up Accountability Analytic Strategic Dashboard Aligned with Goals Dashboards for Leadership Meetings Dashboards For PLC Early Warning Teacher/ Grade Lev/ School District School Brd OSPI/ESD State/Leg/Gov/ Federal Gov Counselor Dept Policy Cycles of Inquiry: Plan, Do, Study, Act It is important to review data to monitor progress in an iterative cycle and make adjustments. This is referred to at a cycle of inquiry, and you may also be familiar with implementation science and the cycle of plan, do, study, act. In your folder are data sources for information about English Learners. Data Dimensions: Timely, Accurate, Actionable

Identify Issues • Develop the question • Identify and plan for the collection of the data Chapter 2: Identify Issues Identify issues and collect data. We touched on this a bit when we talked about the data available for tactical and strategic purposes….and what is available locally or from other sources. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Chapter 3: Understand Issues Review the data Communicate the story the data tells Chapter 3: Understand Issues Understand Issues: Dive in to your data…and you may need to seek more. If data comes from multiple sources or is complex, you will also need to purposefully think how to present the story for others to understand and to be able to plan from. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Diagnose Causes • Identify and clearly state the problem • Identify the problem of practice • Build knowledge Chapter 4: Diagnose Causes Diagnose Causes: It is important to have a clear and precise definition of the problem as you proceed with protocols to analyze root cause. With a proper diagnosis, the problem of practice can be better identified and appropriate actions designed. There are several protocols available and we will take this opportunity to explore them now. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Plan and Take Action Clear and measurable end states Identify best practice strategies Develop an action and monitoring plan Chapter 5: Plan and Take Action Plan and Take Action: Define end states, identify best practice strategies, and develop an action plan…and how it will be monitored. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Evaluate Results • Analyze evidence on the impact • Determine findings and conclusions • What steps need to be taken next Chapter 6: Evaluate Results Evaluate Results: Using the monitoring plan, revisit data that gives evidence of the impact of the actions. The iterative cycle continues. What worked, what didn’t work, and what steps need to be taken now. What gets evaluated gets done! OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Seek assistance with data analysis… Contact your local ESD. OSPI is partnering with ESDs for to build capacity for data support. Contact OSPI’s Office of System and School Improvement. Seek assistance with data analysis… http://www.k12.wa.us/OSSI

Appreciative Thinking Habits of a Systems Thinker Inquiry Mindset Appreciative Thinking Habits of a Systems Thinker Ladder of Inference Cycle of Inquiry Contact Info Todd Johnson, ESD113 Susan Canaga, OSPI TJohnson@esd113.org Susan.Canaga@k12.wa.us OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Questions & Polling What is one major takeaway you have from today’s webinar? Let’s learn together: Type it in the chat box – share your thought with everyone. Take a moment to reflect. After hearing all this great information, what is one major takeaway you have from today? We want to see your thinking, so I’m encouraging you to type it in the chat to share. Also, feel free to type in the questions box any questions you have for our awesome presenters. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Survey Tell us how we’re doing: http://bit.ly/GATEevaluation We are trying to constantly improve our performance. In an effort to capture your comments over time we’ve created a quick survey. Please help us by taking a minute to fill it out. If the webinar closes out, this link is also available in our Zoom reminders so you can always let us know your thoughts. We appreciate our audience and want to improve this experience for all of you. We’ll put this link in the chat for you also. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Upcoming Events AWSP/WASA Summer Pre-Conference: June 24 2018 School Counselor Summer Institute: June 27 & 29 We have a couple of events we thought you’d be interested in. If you’re going to the AWSP/WASA summer conference, we have a great pre conference session you should check out: It’s Using Data and Coaching for Sustained Improvement, an OSPI/WASA Collaboration! In this all day session you’ll get two amazing leaders in school improvement. In the morning session you’ll learn from Dr. Chuck Salina and Dr. Suzann Girtz, the Sunnyside Turnaround Team about their improvement efforts with Dave Martinez and Maria Hernandez from Sunnyside High School. Together, they formulated and documented Sunnyside’s change from a 48% graduation rate to 90% in a school where 79% of the students are low income. They beat the odds and want to share with you the way that they did it and help you craft a plan for how you can do it too.   In the afternoon you’ll get introduced to Sharon Bowers, the inspiring leader of the Washington State Leadership Academy (WSLA). She’ll walk you through the dynamic and cooperative process Washington’s leadership teams use to take their schools to the next level. In this session you’ll get to define for yourself what problem of practice matters most to you and get thinking about the leadership moves that will get your staff fired up for the year to come. We also have the 2018 School Counselor Summer Institute coming up. School counselors, college/career specialists, district staff and college admissions professionals - these workshops are for you!  The School Counselor Summer Institutes will offer technical assistance, designed for elementary, middle and high school counselors and other interested educators. It will provide information and updates on topics such as mental health, social emotional learning, integrated student services, resources, K-12 ESSA accountability measures, 9th grade success, attendance, dual credit, school safety, undocumented students, 12th Year Campaign, College Bound Scholarship Re-pledge, financial aid, implementation of graduation requirements and High School & Beyond Plan, student support resources, suicide prevention, foster care, homeless, students with disabilities, and more! Join us June 27 at Ferris High School, in Spokane  Or June 29 at Labor & Industries, in Olympia Just click for registration links. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Setting Up Teams for Success Next Month Setting Up Teams for Success July 11, 2018 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. Join us next month as we talk about how teams can be setup to regularly interact with the data that matters most to catch those kids a little earlier. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018

Creative Commons Images Used Except where otherwise noted, this work by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 International License. We like to give credit where it is due. If you liked an image from GATE Equity Webinar, we use images that are in the creative commons or are tagged with their individual permissions. We are especially fans of the Noun Project, where you can get free icons. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/14/2018