The Future is Data Linking: Using DaSy TA to Position Your Program Denise to kick it off January 31, 2018
Facilitators Denise Mauzy, DaSy Bruce Bull, DaSy We each say hello. Hit *6 to unmute yourself. Sarah will mute everyone at this time. Denise Mauzy, DaSy Bruce Bull, DaSy
In the poll, select the one word that best describes your data linking efforts. Bruce Select the one word that best describes your data linking efforts: Stationary Crawling Walking Jogging IronMan ©
Our Focus Today Importance of data linking Activities that support data linking TA opportunity to support data linking Bruce There is a lot of buzz around data linking…we are going to get focused on activities that support data linking and specifically a TA opp.
State Data Linking TA Opportunity Limited Availability TA to support states Through October 2018 1-2 TA providers/state Targeted use of tools and templates States apply Up to 6 states selected Bruce Post the link in the chat We will review the form later.
Increased capacity to answer questions Why link data? Increased capacity to answer questions Potential for efficiency Denise
Informal vs Formal Data Linking Denise Data linking can happen informal to formal…this continuum exists within data governance, data linking…and something that crosses the two is joint data governance to support linking efforts. You will hear in our TA, joint data governance and how supports data linking. For example, your supervisor was in a meeting with other agency supervisors and agreed to share some of your data with another agency for a particular purpose. You have to support it, but there is no established structure or documentation. You do the best you can but you know that no one in the future is likely to replicate this “one off” data linking request given that there was no established process. So that is an informal data linking effort. In contrast, formal data linking is Documented Sustainable Sanctioned
Data Partnership Continuum Denise Make this infographic a downloadable item. This is a resource document that you can download. Data linking is in fact a type of data partnership. Notice that partnerships have increasing levels of formality as indicated left to right on this continuum. Our work and the TA being offered is really around the middle two…data sharing agreement and management plan. We are not supporting handshake data partnerships. We are hoping to find states that are moving toward a culture of data use but want support.
Data Linking is Happening Many industries, including education, link data GOOD data linking requires careful planning Preparing for data linking . . . rather than responding to it . . . puts you in the best position
Sample of an Infographic Denise Make this infographic a downloadable item. EC examples of data linking-review each example DaSy staff have been involved in some aspect of each of these data systems and are looking forward to supporting states linking efforts. Ask respondents about what we may have missed. Put in chat box. Sarah- Please load infographic into room
Please indicate which of the following data linking opportunities you might pursue in the next 12 months. Denise Multiselect option with Other Text field if available Please indicate which of the following data linking opportunities you might pursue within the next 12 months. EDHI MIECHV SLDS ECIDS CAPTA QRIS Part C Part B 619 Personnel Finance Other
How is playing Candy Land similar to data linking? Bruce Multiple steps but not necessarily sequential route taken. There are set backs and challenges, but we forge ahead until we reach Candy Castle or in our case the linking destination.
Phases of Data Linking Pre-Linking Activities Technical Activities Post-Linking Activities Phases of Data Linking Bruce We have grouped activities into three phases. Multi-phased process. While the phases are sequential, activities within a phase can happen in whatever order that best suits the state’s needs. *Adapted from the CIID Data Integration Toolkit
Pre-Linking Activities Establish the purpose for data linking Develop data sharing agreement (timeline, personnel, responsibilities, etc.) Access and organize data and associated documents (data dictionary, file layouts, etc.) Bruce Notes: Individual staff tenure---purpose statement communicates your reason for linking. As part of defining your purpose, you will likely identify the questions you seek to answer. (Note: DaSy’s Critical Questions are a great place to start.)
Perform linking procedures Technical Activities Resolve data issues (timing, definitions, redundancies, variations, etc.) Develop the linking process, including security and data quality checks Perform linking procedures Bruce
Post-Linking Activities Document the linking process Provide ongoing support for data linking process Bruce
Resources DaSy Critical Questions DaSy Data Governance Toolkit Joint Data Governance: Linking Data Section (Coming this Spring) CIID Data Integration Toolkit CEDS Align and Connect Tools Denise We will be accessing these resources to help the selected states—based on state priorities.
Sample of an Infographics
How to Apply for Data Linking TA Return form by February 6th Schedule a 20-30 minute follow-up call DaSy selects up to 6 states by February 20th TA begins data linking activities on or about March 1st Denise Open up application form at this time. Sarah will post the form in the room. Take them off mute.
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Acknowledgments The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, # H373Z120002. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officers, Meredith Miceli and Richelle Davis.