SB 1843 – Armed services vocational aptitude battery (Asvab) test Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. SB 1843 – Armed services vocational aptitude battery (Asvab) test July/August 2018 Presented by: Diana Perez
SB 1843 ASVAB – Background SB 1843 requires, (with exceptions) school districts and open-enrollment charters to provide students in grades 10-12 an opportunity to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and consult with a military recruiter.
SB 1843 ASVAB – Background The legislation also requires the agency to create a public report of all districts and open- enrollment charters that elected not to provide the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test during the previous school year. If an LEA elects to not offer the ASVAB test, the LEA may offer an alternative career exploration test that meets certain requirements as described in the legislation.
New Data Element TSDS data element ARMED-SERVICES-VOC- APT-BATTERY-INDICATOR-CODE will be added to the LocalEducationAgencyExtension complex type for the 2018-2019 school year. Reported by districts and open-enrollment charter schools Reported for students in grades 10-12
New Data Element Specifications Element ID – E1625 Data Element – ARMED-SERVICES-VOC-APT- BATTERY-INDICATOR-CODE XML Name – ArmedServicesVocAptBatteryIndicator Code Table ID – C217 Length – 2 Data Type – CODED Pattern – ## Submission – 1 Mandatory – YES Complex Type - 10010 - LocalEducationAgencyExtension Complex Type Interchange - InterchangeEducationOrganization
Code Table (C217) Value TSDS code table C217 – ARMED-SERVICES-VOC- APT-BATTERY-INDICATOR-CODE will be added 00 – The district or open-enrollment charter school does not offer the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test or an alternative exploration test. 01 – The district or open-enrollment charter school offers the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. 02 – The district or open-enrollment charter school offers an alternative career exploration test.
Business Validation Rule Business Rule: 10010-000E – Fatal For a Local Education Agency, the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, DISTRICT-NAME, ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY, and ARMED-SERVICES-VOC-APT-BATTERY-INDICATOR-CODE. (F)
Q & A Question: Can an LEA offer both the ASVAB and the Alternative Career Exploration Test? Answer: Yes. An LEA may offer both the ASVAB and the Alternative Career Exploration Test. If the LEA is providing both tests, then the ASVAB should be reported.
Additional Resource(s) College, Career, and Military Prep webpage Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)